Is it normal this doctor appointment was unacceptable to me
I have a post previously that indicated the health issues I am currently going through . I have it posted about my stomach issue and difficulty swallowing , the food also doesn't pass through my esophagus correctly , takes a long period of time . I went to a meeting regarding my last test of say three tests today annnnnnnd to my surprise the doctor , "specialist" I should say ( she is special alright ) had no diagnosis for me ? I was really confused .. after an ultra sound , endoscopy and PH tube testing with 24 hour monitor ... you are telling me you have solved nothing? I was given a refill on one script for the next 6 months and a set of new pills for the next 5 months .. this is the solution apparently . The doctor says to me " sometimes these things just happen and it's temporary , then sort themselves out " .. I almost thought she was kidding when it came out of her mouth . I can't believe this is the answer and resolution I get .. no light at the end but a random waiting game of "sometimes these things happen and then fix themselves" what exactly are "these things" because clearly she seems to have zero fucking idea what is the cause , concern or solution to my stomach issues that have been a HUGE hassle by the way considering all we do is eat and swallow all day basically .. it's a function we cant avoid .. so? maybe do some more tests or repeat tests or do something? I HIGHLY DOUBT that I am the first soul on earth in the history of this planet to ever experience this and that I am just some mystery .. an unknown phenomenon in the medical world and they cant figure it out . is it normal I feel her work has been insufficient and unacceptable ? I haven't asked her to cure cancer overnight .. it's what seems to be a fairly common issue throughout time that should be able to be resolved somehow or do people always just lose the ability to swallow and pass food in their 20s and then just die with the condition ? maybe i am the unreasonable one .