Is it normal this doctor appointment was unacceptable to me

I have a post previously that indicated the health issues I am currently going through . I have it posted about my stomach issue and difficulty swallowing , the food also doesn't pass through my esophagus correctly , takes a long period of time . I went to a meeting regarding my last test of say three tests today annnnnnnd to my surprise the doctor , "specialist" I should say ( she is special alright ) had no diagnosis for me ? I was really confused .. after an ultra sound , endoscopy and PH tube testing with 24 hour monitor ... you are telling me you have solved nothing? I was given a refill on one script for the next 6 months and a set of new pills for the next 5 months .. this is the solution apparently . The doctor says to me " sometimes these things just happen and it's temporary , then sort themselves out " .. I almost thought she was kidding when it came out of her mouth . I can't believe this is the answer and resolution I get .. no light at the end but a random waiting game of "sometimes these things happen and then fix themselves" what exactly are "these things" because clearly she seems to have zero fucking idea what is the cause , concern or solution to my stomach issues that have been a HUGE hassle by the way considering all we do is eat and swallow all day basically .. it's a function we cant avoid .. so? maybe do some more tests or repeat tests or do something? I HIGHLY DOUBT that I am the first soul on earth in the history of this planet to ever experience this and that I am just some mystery .. an unknown phenomenon in the medical world and they cant figure it out . is it normal I feel her work has been insufficient and unacceptable ? I haven't asked her to cure cancer overnight .. it's what seems to be a fairly common issue throughout time that should be able to be resolved somehow or do people always just lose the ability to swallow and pass food in their 20s and then just die with the condition ? maybe i am the unreasonable one .

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70% Normal
Based on 10 votes (7 yes)
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Comments ( 47 )
  • chained_rage

    You should totally paint yourself lime green, go back there and, in the manner of Lemongrab from Adventure Time, say: "UNACCEPTABLEEEEEEEEE"

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    • modernism

      He's yellow! Your comment is UNACCEPTABLEEEEEEEEE!!

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    • Aries

      I am definitely about to go do some weird shit and see how confused she becomes then say .. yeah , that confused , mind blown feeling coming over you... same wave that crashed over me when you fucking told me you have no diagnosis .

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  • thegypsysailor

    Ever heard of the term second opinion?
    Or 3rd, or 4th.
    Sometimes it takes numerous doctors and YEARS to figure out what is going on with some rare ailments.
    No point in complaining. No point at getting mad at this doctor; that's all counterproductive at this point. Make an appointment with another specialist and move forward.
    Hell, maybe you'll get so tired of the whole thing you will cure yourself.

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    • Aries

      I guess you never really know , maybe it will and ill see what I can do to get another opinion thanks :D

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  • victorygin

    The last time I went to a doctor, she started typing my symptoms into a computer and I was like "Wtf? Are you googling this??".
    They definitely don't always have the answers. But sometimes it has more to do with whether they seem like they know what they're doing and whether they care. You might get the same result from two doctors, but one instils you with confidence and the other one leaves you wondering how they even graduated. Just depending on how they deal with patients. But at the end of the day, it's the same result.
    That said, you should get a second opinion. Maybe this doctor is just a bit crap.

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    • charli.m

      I believe they have a computer system that helps them look up stuff, yes. Do you really think they know everything about every disease in the world?

      Or, perhaps they were making notes. Which they have to do for future reference and records.

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      • victorygin

        Just a joke; I don't think the doctor was actually googling it. Although, her looking at the computer screen didn't exactly inspire me with confidence either if I'm honest. But I'm sure she knew what she was doing.
        That said - do I think they know every disease? Well.. not exactly, but kind of. It's their job. Before computers, I don't remember them consulting textbooks during a visit. And if they did, I don't think it would have come across to well!
        Anyway, I'm not really criticizing, it was just my impression. And obviously I'm glad that she used whatever resources were at her disposal...

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        • Aries

          I don't feel I have come into her office with some medical phenomenon that's never been experience in all of history so I have to agree with you , thanks for taking a look from my side . I am trying to be fair with her and I have been patient the last 6 or 7 months but to be handed a script of pills for the next 6 months and told well maybe it will figure it self out , good luck kiddo basically ... I don't find this acceptable least get a defined diagnosis . I explain myself more in the comments lower . Thanks though

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  • howaminotmyself

    It sounds like a hiatal hernia. When dealing with GI problems, always always always talk to a nutritionist or naturopath. GP doctors know very little about nutrition and food related issues.

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    • RoseIsabella

      I have a hiatal hernia as well as GERD.
      I've been taking Nexium and it seems to be helping.

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      • howaminotmyself dad has it and drinks warm water in the morning.

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        • RoseIsabella

          Does that help?

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          • howaminotmyself

            I guess. I think it's supposed to help relax the muscles.

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            • RoseIsabella


              Sometimes I have a hard time swallowing and it hurts. It's been better since I started taking the Nexium, but honestly it was very embarrassing when it happened in public, especially if I'm alone which is not uncommon. Blarg! I also get nauseous and have had acid reflux go up into my sinuses and lungs when I'm sleeping.

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    • Aries

      I will do some research on these as I was unfamiliar when reading my friend

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  • Aries

    to anyone who may not feel I am being completely fair in my emotions . I can appreciate your perspective but I just want to make note to read the above comment about the past experiences I had causing me anxiety about it but also that , this is a specialist here and not just a general doctor who has limited knowledge in many areas , she specializes solely in these symptoms but also that I just don't feel its fair to me to play the "let's see what happens game" and then hand me a bunch of pills . It feels so random like they are swinging for the fences . I would have felt much better at least with more testing and a closer diagnosis where we have some hope .. at this time I think I am reasonable in feeling uneasy when I basically have no idea what's wrong with me or if it will ever be fixed .. not to say it wont but its natural for me to feel that way without an answer . I feel given up on and I am not going to picket or parade around for justice or something but I am by no means a weak character or dramatic .. I shrug off a lot of things and been through hard times without a complaint that maybe a lot of people it would traumatize them . I don't want you to feel I want this doctors sympathy or having a tantrum I just feel this experience is a bit silly and unacceptable , when somethings wrong , somethings wrong .. it has to be taken seriously especially whenever it comes to things like eating or breathing etc. functions that are in our every day life and tools we need to survive . I hope you can understand and thank you for all your comments everyone , I do appreciate you taking the time to at least analyze my post and come to some response for me . be well be happy be love . Namaste

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  • TareBear20

    I've been dealing with this constant battle my entire life. I have been sent to numerous allergists, hospitals, private facilities .. You name it .. This is normal, my friend. Most doctors have no idea what they're talking about. This is because they make educated guesses. I've gone to the ER this past year over 30 times, I want to say and they try to give me a new "diagnosis" every time I'm put on some type of pill to be told 3 weeks later to cut that pill in half and THEN get a lab test done. They are completely backwards with how they treat ailments most of the time. Mines not a digestive problem, but a serious thyroid disease. I've been Losing myself this year, because the doctor I'm entitled to doesn't know her shit. What's more is they can turn down your requests for a transfer to a new office and then Bam! Stuck with that physician until further notice. :/ Don't give up hope, because the second you give up, your illness gets worse. Stress can be the biggest catalyst for any disease.

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    • Aries

      thanks , sorry to hear about your issues this past year .. it seems me and you don't have much luck health wise lately .

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  • theseeker

    This is actually very common. It's normal to be frustrated about it. I've seen a doctor in the past hoping for a solution and the doctor had no answers. Just because they're so called "experts" doesn't mean they always know what's up. Sometimes doing research yourself can be more beneficial. If you've done that, tried some things, and nothing is working, then of course see another doctor.

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    • Aries

      I have done the research and from it sounds like it's some sort of motility issue where the muscle just doesn't function correctly . I don't know 100 percent but it seems like it since I have dysphagia which is like fits / trouble swallowing food and also passing it down after my throat to my stomach without it getting "stuck" or what it feels like stuck . I also suspect this could be it because I take the motility pills and eating is much better with them than without so ? when I take the stomach acid pills .. doesn't seem to make much of a difference but then again some times I do get a few days in a row of acid reflux what not but is that abnormal or maybe just the same issue healthy people go through even it's hard to tell . The symptoms in the research points to both conditions so it's tricky to pin point it fully .. which is where I felt like the doctor would come in with her testing and experience but it doesn't seem that way . I understand what these comments above are saying about them not knowing everything , sure I get that however .. this isn't my family doctor , this is a specialist bred to only deal with the problems in this field related directly to my symptoms and issues so I feel like she should have a much better handle on it than she has . I also don't feel very good when someone just gives up on me and says literally " sometimes these things happen and then just figure themselves out" without even explaining what possibly it could be if its not showing signs they can figure out . I am frustrated because I have had medical issues slacked on before or misdiagnosed and suffered traumatic health issues .. one time they told me I had strep .. comes to find out I didn't , took the wrong meds and ended up with a heart attack at age 21 because of it .. so I definitely am paranoid when it comes to medical attention and not having a definite answer :( I also have muscle damage from a weight lifting incident that was never really asses properly , thrown in some light physio which definitely did nothing so ill be seeing a specialist for this too .. I am trying to give her the benefit of the doubt but its super frustrating when someone cant even give you a diagnosis it's odd to me? I doubt im some medical mystery she has never seen before

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  • donteatstuffoffthesidewalk

    neurological mebbe?

    dont fuckin pay the doctor especially without a fight

    theres rate the doctor websites like yelp so give yalls opinion especially if they gits demandin bout yall payin

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  • Ellenna

    Firstly. doctors are fallible human beings just like the rest of us, they don't have magic wands.

    Secondly, maybe she's right: there are many conditions which cure themselves over time.

    It doesn't seem that this condition is life-threatening so why don't you wait and see how the medication works?

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    • Aries

      it's the same medication I have already been and that's not a solution , it's a band aid . I understand they are humans but believe me .. if it was her in my shoes , she would have an answer I am sure of it . I can understand some things heal over time but we haven't at least even identified the issue and also .. it can be life threatening since it could get worse and prevent me from drinking liquids even and swallowing foods ... even at this moment I have a chance of choking every time I sit down to eat .

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      • charli.m

        Have you considered that perhaps the problem is psychological, not physical? I'm not saying you're crazy, before you get offended, but the mind is what controls everything else, and it's surprising how often a mental block or something can be the problem.

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        • Aries

          I considered it today after hearing no diagnosis but that was the first time . I suppose I see how that may be an issue but then again she still didn't consider that from her professional stand point .. I don't know the treatment for that , maybe the same as a mechanical issue , the swallowing therapist . If it's not acid reflux or any of this other jazz it must be a motility issue and if so I think more testing should be involved because the last test I did was not efficient I don't believe as it was pretty hard to eat and carry out a completely normal day as they wanted with a tube jammed down my throat through my nose into my stomach but .. I don't know anymore :( I just feel frustrated I suppose and maybe my reactions not normal or called for .

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          • charli.m

            Medical problems are incredibly frustrating, no one wants to be unwell. And I can imagine the symptoms you're describing are very distressing. But you can't expect every doctor to have an immediate answer.

            A GP is unlikely to know much about psychological issues. It's not their field. That's why there are psychologists, or neurologists, perhaps. I don't know, I have no medical training, I just go with my common sense and reasoning.

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          • TareBear20

            Don't give up. :)

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            • Aries

              thank you friend .

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          • Ellenna

            Whatever's causing your symptoms, it does sound a bit scary. I'd be going for a second opinion if I were you: if you're choking when you eat there has to be some reason for it

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        • Ellenna

          While I agree it's possible OP's issues are psychologically based, I think it's totally ridiculous to suggest that the mind "controls everything else". That's just newage (rhymes with sewage) psychobabble.

          The mind can affect SOME physical conditions, but not "everything"

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          • charli.m

            Ok. Let's test this theory. Remove your brain.

            Still functioning?

            Oh...yeah. my bad. You're not the best example, eh?

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            • Ellenna

              Well that's one of the stupidest comments I've seen for a while: just because the brain controls the rest of our bodies doesn't mean it controls every aspect of our health or ill health, which is what your original post was suggesting

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  • charli.m

    Sometimes tests are inconclusive.

    I had a doctor write in my file that he thought i had a specific disorder, and make a note next to it that he "did not tell the patient". Seeing as the appointment had been to get answers to the symptoms of this (at the time unknown to me) disorder, I would have thought telling me would have been important. ...

    He did give me the diagnosis. Three years later. And then mismanaged it. Didn't start adequate medical treatment til 2011. After seeing a different doctor.

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    • RoseIsabella


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    • Aries


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  • Darkoil

    What exactly is wrong with you? Contrary to popular belief doctors are not walking encyclopedia of diseases. If they can't find the cause of the problem how do you expect them to treat it?

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    • Aries

      I just cant believe she didn't find the issue and she just stopped all testing and appointments , feed me meds and hope it cures itself .

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