Is it normal this is what i’d consider the ideal partner for me?
A naturally blonde Asian girl with an Australian accent who often wears pigtails and goes swimming (especially in a two piece) who is into all the same things I am and can talk through issues and will let me roleplay scenarios I like with her including saying lines I suggest. (For more info on the role play see here: it normal i-fantasize-about-role-playing-with-a-girlfriend--297739). She’d also not wear makeup, but would wear dresses. She wouldn’t be too girly but also not too masculine, somewhere in the middle.
I know the physical description is pretty specific but like I said it’s my ideal. I guess Bindi Irwin is the only person I know of who fits it but for obvious reasons she’s out of the question. And it’s not like someone has to be exact for me to date I’m just talking about the different attributes I like and putting them together.