Is it normal this occurance? (pic included)
Hey guys well the other day I was alone in my room a little past midnight. No music, no TV, the room was silent. I was just fixing my closet shoes. I was also thinking heavily, pondering. A very pensive mood. These thoughts had a melancholy riff to it, as Ive had emotional/mental breakdowns the last couple of days (when no one is around, of course, in my privacy)
I had my back turned to a drawer. Quite suddenly and unexpectedly. The silence was there before but now the silence was REALLY there. something told me to look, some urge prompted me to see "what" was behind me. Some instinct/primal urge (almost like when someone is watching you and the hairs on your skin rise) told me to look
I turned around and it just STOOD OUT. My heart skipped a beat. The room was still silent. I took a picture just to make sure I wasnt subconsciously seeing things subliminally.
I look at the picture the next day. its still there. I wasnt imagining it. this occurence happened.
I have two questions for you guys. First and foremost, CAN YOU SEE IT?
Second: Is this normal? Or is it just some eerie coincidence?
What do you guys think of this? am I crazy? or was something trying to reach out to me that night?
Take a look