Is it normal this song incites anger?

The strokes- is this it

I just want to slap the little prick singer for sounding like such a twat. It's mostly his indifferent tone that gets to me. And he sounds lazy.

Yet at the same time I appreciate this song, I never skip it or turn it off. I always listen and try to figure out why I hate it so much. It's catchy and I give it props for getting such a strong emotional reaction out of me. I also enjoy other songs by the strokes. This is the only one that makes me want to choke the singer.

Voting Results
53% Normal
Based on 19 votes (10 yes)
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Comments ( 4 )
  • Holzman_67

    I like the strokes but that's just me. Different strokes for different folks.

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    • That's the thing, I like them too. It's just this song that gets under my skin. And not because I think it's a bad song but in the same way an indifferent boyfriend irks his companion. She loves him but he drives her crazy.

      It's like how some people have songs that make them sad. Well I have a few that make me angry. Another one is a song by The Used, but I can't even bear to listen to that one because the singer singer sounds like such a butthurt pussy.

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      • Holzman_67

        Haha I just said that opening sentence to lead into the play on words in the second. Different "strokes" for different folks. Haha dum dum dum tish

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  • GuitarHero1994

    Its normal I want to beat the living shit out of eminem.

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