Is it normal to a person at bar to think you besties

So I went to this bar and got my usual. Which is usually whiskey&Coke or Whiskeysour. I only ever get whiskey drinks. I always sit alone in a corner and get 2-4 shots of it. I sometimes talk to the bartender but not often other patrons. So recently I been in school so haven't gone as much. However yesterday had a day off becuase proffesor canceled class since he had family emergency. The bar was very busy so it was hard getting bartenders attention that night. So this awkward fellow tried getting the bartenders attention for the few who where in the corner trying to get a drink. Than invited me hang at thier table and walked outside. I got my drink and ignored the invitation and found a table in the corner as I generally do. So they came over and asked "Is something wrong?". So I humored the idiot and sat at his freind table. After which it seems he tried to what I would describe as trying to "Therapy me". Saying things like "Do you feel alienated" and "You have a freind in me" bs. To which I replied I "Came to the bar alone, on my day off from class, and decided to drink alone which was interpreted by a fellow bar goer who wanted to chat about thier feelings. When I did not really care". I'm unsure of what this fellows purpose was. Who makes freinds at a bar? Also who talks to a new person for an hour and automatically like "Oh we besties now!" And trys to therapy at a person clearly content with being left alone.

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Comments ( 10 )
  • Cuntsiclestick

    There are customers at my job that think I'm their bestie. They see me, they get all wide eyed, they wave, they go up to me and they chat with me as I work. What they fail to realize is that I'm paid to smile and listen to them talk. I really don't care about their day, their pets, their kids, their car trouble, their love life, or whatever else they chat about.

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    • But like why did they think me simply being in the same location as them makes us besties? I was a fellow Patron and all I did was glance over. Than promptly ignored them.

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      • Cuntsiclestick

        People are social beings. When they're extremely lonely they imagine relationships and scenarios that simply aren't there. That person probably thought "oh that person over there is drinking alone all the time. They're probably sad like me. I can help them. Thats my new bestie now" People just need to mind their own business.

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  • RoseIsabella

    This sounds quite sad actually.

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    • Why?

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      • RoseIsabella

        ... because that person probably doesn't have any real friends, they are obviously creepy and don't understand social cues. I do hope they leave you alone though.

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        • Hmm, oh.. perhaps I should have tried harder. I turned into a bit of an asshole after working as management at a emergency relief company during the pandemic. Everyone was quitting left and right even though we literally had a job where we faced life and death whenever called out. I not sure why these worthless bitches decided to quit becuase a superflu when half these people risked death on the daily. After awhile I rationalized humans are not worth my time and been content with that stance ever since. I did try to humor them but they seemed to be reading "ARE you okay, you need a hug" when I gave every signal of"Touch me and I will literally smash this empty glass in your throat". Which I did directly threaten them several times. I not sure why they would continue for the time that they did. I not sure why you would keep bothering anyone with "Fuck off and die" vibes.

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          • RoseIsabella

            I don't know, that's hella creepy.

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