Is it normal to act like you're afraid of a coworker?

If you have a coworker that's always giving you a bunch of shit and making your life miserable, is it normal to start saying things that make it sound like you're life is in danger and you feel threatened by this person. If somebody started saying things like that around you would it encourage you to stay away from them?

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53% Normal
Based on 17 votes (9 yes)
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Comments ( 4 )
  • thegypsysailor

    Can I assume you are an adult?
    If I had a coworker who was giving me a a bunch of shit and making my life miserable, I'd stand up to them and make them stop. Cowering and crawling around the office blabbing shit isn't going to solve your problem.
    If you haven't got the guts to stand up to this bully, then I guess you'll just have to tuck your tail between your legs and go find a new job.

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    • gloryholeflasher

      I'm making a subtle reference to all the news stories where somebody uses deadly force against somebody and then claims they had no choice as they percieved their life to be in danger. I wouldn't use deadly force against anybody except as a last resort, and this isn't one of those times Just wondering if such comments on my part might make the offending party rethink his position and back off.

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      • thegypsysailor

        Where did you see any reference to deadly force, or ANY force, in my post?
        If this is how you viewed my post, then I might be forgiven for assuming you have imagined the whole thing, and it's all in your mind.

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        • gloryholeflasher

          You seem to have missed the first part of my previous reply where I said, "I'm making a subtle reference to all the news stories"

          You know, when the cop says "I was afraid for my life" and then blows somebody away. When the homeowner says that the person knocking on his door made him fear for his life, so he blew him away, etc

          If I told this pain in the ass coworker that he makes me "fear for my life" would he start to get the picture and stay away from me, like I've already told him to do.

          Maybe it's not normal to see that phrase "fear for my life" as a red flag, but that's what it means to me.

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