Is it normal to act out daydreams while pacing back and forth?
There's really no other way I can put this. I'm a girl who has been diagnosed as having Asperger's syndrome when I was younger, although I don't feel like I match most of the criteria myself. But I do believe I have this thing called "maladaptive daydream disorder" or MDD.
I have this whole story in my head and sometimes they are so intense I have to write them down. I won't go into detail, but I have a whole other "movie" life that is so exciting. But I find it hard to daydream whilst sitting down and I always pace back and forth across the room, and even act out the scenes in real life as though I am in the movie. Like, I talk like the characters and make sound effects as though I were playing a movie in my head. However my parents find it annoying when I do it.
My mother said what I was doing was "stimming" which is what Autistic people do as a means of calming themselves down (i.e. hand-flapping, pacing, rocking etc) when they are stressed or over-stimulated or something, but it's not that, it's so much more complicated. This is literally a movie in my head playing out, and I have to act it out, because then it feels like I am really there. I do it when I'm happy, sad, nervous, excited - so it's not just a stress thing. This makes me happy, but I don't know about anybody else. I've been reading up on these types of behaviours, and many people with MDD do pace, talk to themselves or make facial expressions while daydreaming, but I have never heard of anyone actually fully acting out the scenes in their head before. Also, those behaviours seem to be subconscious, but I am fully aware of when I'm doing it. Is this normal?