Is it normal to allow people to walk all over me if i make a mistake?

i wronged someone and they are so much better than me in every way. i feel compelled to let them walk all over me and i have to make things up to them for the rest of my life, even if that means allowing them to squash me with steel toe boots and beat me senseless every day until the day that i die.

is it normal to feel this way?

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20% Normal
Based on 15 votes (3 yes)
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Comments ( 3 )
  • theseeker

    Not really. 2 wrongs don't make a right.

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  • Short4Words

    It's normal to feel guilt and want people to punish you for it but it sounds like it has more to do with your self-worth.

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  • suicidePOS

    i like them to walk on my pipi and poop on my face

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