Is it normal to always feel like your missing part of the story?

Like when a friend ditches you and said "Oh I just don't feel good. Sorry. I'll make it up to you" or when your job tells you that they are cutting your hours due to budget cuts. Is it normal to feel like they are leaving something out? I would say I have like a medium level of confidence. I'm attractive and intelligent but I'm not all that, ya know? Sometimes I just feel like it's something I did and people are just trying to be nice. Is that normal?

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79% Normal
Based on 33 votes (26 yes)
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Comments ( 6 )
  • qualityaristocrat

    "Discretion is the better part of valor."

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    • So I'm being cautious? I feel like I overanalyze sometimes but other times I feel like I'm really right.

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  • Terrik1337

    General fear of what other people think of you is normal. You might be missing part of the story, but I doubt it's because of you.

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  • Vauael

    Sometimes its just in our heads. Other times its your intuition which can be fairly accurate, but its easy to confuse the two. Just try not to overthink things. Accept the decision (or whatever the circumstance) and move on. If this is a friend or relative and you believe they are being evasive or shady towards you, come out and ask them if you did something wrong and if so, apologize and see what you can do to make it up to them. Never let that go too long, ive lost loved ones over the silent treatment. But again it could be your mind playing tricks on you.

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    • No kidding... I feel like it's very hard for me to trust my gut. It always gets me in trouble. Lol.

      What about a boss? That's really what happened and I feel like it's something I did at work. I'm not a bad employee but I feel like maybe I wasn't learning fast enough and they cut their losses. How do I ask my boss without sounding super insecure? Lol

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      • Vauael

        Sorry for the late reply, I havent been in in a few days. I dont see a problem with asking if you did something wrong, and if that is the reason for the hour cuts. Just make it clear that you are asking because you want to make sure they are happy with your performance and if not, what you can do to better yourself. Tell them you are open to constuctive criticism and you really want to do your best. Were others hours affected as well or just yours? Unless this is a small business with few employees as it is, that could be an indicator.

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