Is it normal to ask a cashier to sleep at your hotel?

Today this random customer came into the store and asked "Hey if I rent a hotel would you come over and sleep with me?" I never met this person before or even know who this is. They asked why not and simply said "No" and abruptly changed subject back to "Anyways you going to buy something or what?" To which they asked for the cheapest cigarettes. I'm a cashier at a gas station. I am a bit concerned as I wondering if perhaps someone's spreading rumors that I'm prostituting or something.

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10% Normal
Based on 10 votes (1 yes)
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Comments ( 10 )
  • darefu

    I don't know maybe his thing. If he just asked, you said no, and he dropped it at that, no harassment, no stalking, then I'm not sure he did anything wrong. Kind of creepy yes, but wrong no.

    I knew a guy when I was a late teens and going clubbing a lot. He would just simply compliment you then ask if you want to avoid all the dating BS and just go back to his place and fu k. Mind you, this was years ago before all this fwb, fb, stuff. According to him, he got smacked, cussed at, and even punched, however, he said, it worked 1 out of 10 or so.

    In today's environment, it might even work more often.

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  • Cuntsiclestick

    Yeah, that's the nature of jobs like cashier, retail worker, bank teller, and just about any job that requires interacting with the public. People with no set of social skills will mistake basic human interaction for love or lust. It's a good idea to report these people.

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  • SkullsNRoses

    Not normal, that person sounds like a sleaze ball with a very limited understanding of human interaction. I would report a description of him to your manager and the rest of the staff so they can be aware of him in case he tries to harass your female colleagues.

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    • We kind of already have an open case going on since one of the male cashier's is pursuing the young females that work here.

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      • SkullsNRoses

        That’s gross. Regardless you should let the rest of your staff know, hopefully you will never see that weirdo again but just in case.

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  • ObamaIfHeWasBlack


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  • olderdude-xx

    Some people are like that. You said no and they left.

    I would not worry about it.

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  • GaelicPotato

    9 Nos equals to 1 yes, probably.

    He asked a question, you said no. Seems okay to me.

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  • 555

    Not normal, but probably has nothing to do with rumours about you or anything. He's just a creep and likely says that to random women he meets.

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  • ospry

    This guy is probably one of those asshats who thinks that imitating Quagmire from Family Guy is a roadmap to becoming the most sexually appealing Giga Chad ever, when the reality is characters like that are meant to show you what kind of asshole you DON'T want to be

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