Is it normal to assume you did something wrong if your partner stops talking?

i have been in a relationship with someone for 6 months now. we talk every day, either by skype or phone. we spend at least 8 hours with each other every day. it has been 24 hour since he last returned any of my messages but i have seen him posting on facebook and even sent him messages there as well (which he has looked at but not replied to). it is safe to say that he is angry at me, right? and i need to do something to make it up to him......what should i do? i am so sorry at whatever i did.....i have no idea what it is, but i am sure its horrible.

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Comments ( 8 )
  • CountessDouche

    I must admit, I've done this before (ashamed face), mostly because I got irritated by something, and I wanted to take the time to sort out my thoughts, so I could address them in a constructive way instead of blowing up at the other person and saying things I didn't mean...but your post is making me realize how inconsiderate that is.

    Anywho- maybe you should write him a note and let him know that you're worried, and concerned. I would respond to that.

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    • NeuroNeptunian


      I am criticized pretty frequently by men that I date for "shutting them out" when I get upset but my reasoning is... either I stop and take control of my thoughts, get my shit together and THEN come to you with my problems or I don't give myself the time and blow up like the fucking flaming, redheaded TNT that I truly am and no, there is no in-between for me. It's a concrete limitation that I know about and expect my partners to respect.

      OP, just drop the guy a message ("Hey, I am not sure what is going on and I hope you'r ok. I miss you and hope that you call me back soon") and leave him alone. There is NOTHING more irritating than struggling to get your thoughts together and being guilt-tripped (whether you mean it or not) by your partner.

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  • swaggy101

    Yes it is normal to assume you did something wrong. You probably did but to be fair your partner giving you the silent treatment is toxic to your relationship. Ask him what you did wrong, apologize (genuinely) and let him know that you felt horrible during this time and next time he feels upset over something, to bring it up right away to clear up the issue.

    If he continues to use ignoring you as a method of solving relationship problems, then y'all are in trouble.

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  • mlbryan44

    He's probably sucking his boyfriends cock. And swallowing his spooge too!

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  • chained_rage

    Maybe he was kidnapped by Isis and mister Shakib-Al Bopara is updating his facebook statuses?

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  • JD777

    Call him, tell him how you're feeling about this and ask him what's up.

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    • i have, and nothing.....i get his machine.....i have left 2 messages (don't want to seem stalkerish). no reply

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      • JD777

        Bummer. If you did anything to jeopardize your relationship (whether you think he knows about it or not) apologize in a message and ask for forgiveness. If you're faultless, let him be. He may just be showing he's an ass, or he needs some room.

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