Is it normal to be absolutely terrified of beheading?

When it comes to death (and it's causes), I'm usually very comfortable talking or thinking about it. However, whenever it comes to beheading, I CANNOT STAND IT. I grow super uncomfortable even thinking about it.

(Don't read ahead if you're faint hearted)

I mean, I can be disembowelled, dismembered, hanged, drowned, burnt alive. Hell, I can be impaled through the ass with a metal pike but NOTHING compares to being beheaded.

Is it normal that I'm so terrified of this form of death, even though it seems pretty quick and painless in comparison to the others?

Share your thoughts! And don't say stuff like "you're not normal for even thinking about this sort of thing" because I know I'm not.

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65% Normal
Based on 26 votes (17 yes)
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Comments ( 9 )
  • thegypsysailor

    Good thing you weren't alive during the French Revolution, right?
    Interestingly enough, many more people are beheaded in traffic incidents than are beheaded by terrorists or murderers. The way modern cars are designed, its nearly a certainty that you will be beheaded if you crash in a certain way. Seat belts make it worse by holding your body in the correct position to be beheaded.
    Obviously, this is something the authorities do not advertise, but it is true, none the less.

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    • slings_and_arrows

      Well that was a nice encouraging thing to tell the OP.

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      • thegypsysailor

        Ah, misfortune arrives.

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  • Ellenna

    There's a lot more fearmongering by governments than there are beheadings by fanatical fuckwits, why don't you worry about that instead if you have to worry about something?

    Seriously though, I know it's hard to stop being afraid of something once you start obsessing about it. If you have lots of different fears or even only this one if it's impinging on yr enjoyment of life, maybe you need therapy to help you find some more constructive past-times than worrying about stuff you can't change?

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  • Nokiot9

    You're probably thinking of getting ur head sawed off with a pocket knife like the Isis assholes do THAT would suck. But a guillotine wouldn't be as bad. Even if it does take like 15 seconds for ur brain to lose consciousness. The last thing ur gonna see is ur headless corpse geysering blood like a Tarantino movie.

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  • KeepsakeDoll

    Screw the French Revolution, the Reign of Terror is where shit gets real~

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  • wistfulmaiden

    I dunno, I think its actually one of the more preferable ways to die (were talking executions here right?) Anyway that's assuming they chop off your head properly in one go, not hack at it multiple times like an amateur. THAT would be pretty bad.
    Maybe the fact that youd be in two separate pieces bothers you because you want to die "whole"? Is it important that your body remain whole?

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  • RoseIsabella

    I imagine you feel this way due to it having been in the news quite a bit as of late.

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    • ez-riding

      I think so too. I grow extremely uncomfortable whenever I hear about it. And when it happens in movies and such I end up having nightmares about it.

      Also, I've recently had a nightmare where my brother was beheaded and it made me jolt awake in the middle of the night in sweat and tears. Could be just another fear of mine to add to the collection.

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