Is it normal to be absolutly terrified of roaches, dolls, and needles ?

I have an extreme fear of roaches, dolls, and needles and it gets to the point where I cannot walk past dolls or go to doctors, or even go into a place where I know there was a roach once (dead or alive)....I also get to the point where I cannot breathe, think, and I just completely breakdown into tears.I just want to know if other people have this Phobia.

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50% Normal
Based on 56 votes (28 yes)
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Comments ( 12 )
  • RomeoDeMontague

    You know I think these are some of the more reasonable phobias so yeah. I don't much like these things either. My dad use to have Chinese dolls that use to scare me use to look at them and think they were going to come to life and murder me, Also roaches are creepy and unsanitary and hard to get rid of and needles are painful. So I think this type of stuff is more reasonable than being scared of a guy in a mascot costume or a guy in funny make up.

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  • Avant-Garde


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  • Caryopteris

    You are letting fear rule your life and ruin it. You obviously have anxiety. Only you can decide you are going to do something about these phobias. There are therapies to help you get over irrational fear, but you also need to have a physical exam with labs to find out if there is anything wrong such as thyroid trouble or anemia.

    If you check out okay, you can still help yourself out by taking up runnign or yoga. Take Calcium at night and magnesium and vitamin D and B vitamins in the morning. It is common to be deficient in these vitamins and minerals, and along with exercising to exhaustion, getting levels up will help you sleep.

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  • Karmasbitch

    I know of people with at least one of those phobias. Normal.

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  • I've always had roaches all my life.

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  • linchpin

    So if someone had a roach doll carrying a needle in its feelers that would bring on fear induced panic?

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    • Erik963

      You wanted to say: A doll carring a needle with a COCKroach on it.

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      • linchpin

        Nah I wanted to say what I said. You wanted to say that, you thought it was an improvement of what I was trying to say. But its not what i wanted to say, not the image I was trying to create. Don't tell me what i want to say. Thanks

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        • Erik963

          You messed up.

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          • linchpin


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  • RoseIsabella

    Roaches are everywhere! For every one roach you see there are a thousand you don't.


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  • JadedUnknown

    Pediophobia, katsaridaphobia, and trypanophobia. I don't have these phobias, although I do find dolls creepy. But surely the are common enough to have names.

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