Is it normal to be addicted to mouth pain?

I am not a pain person. Anyone could tell you I am a wimp. But for some reason I love any pain that is in my mouth. I love to stick my fingernail into gums so much that it makes my mouth bleed, or split my lip open and stab my fingernail deep into the cut. For some reason it feels good to me and it is so addicting that I have troubles stopping once I start, and as I said before I have made myself bleed many times. It is only mouth pain that I like and I do it because it feels good, not like I am a cutter or anything. Is this normal?

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Comments ( 4 )
  • Ratmansbitch

    I sometimes push my teeth together to pull them from the roots.

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  • Justmehere

    It's self-stimulation, and fairly normal. I've stuck or jabbed things into my ears for the same reason..That little, just-enough pain rush. As for the mouth or lips, back when I had braces, I used to flip my bottom lip down into my mouth, so the braces would catch. Did it so much, I had a little divot where the brace would catch, and, would bleed a little. Odd, yes..But harmless. You'll stop when you want to at some point.

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  • RoseIsabella

    Oh gawd, that's awful!

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  • Ratmanstand

    You have a right to get your freak off any way that you like. Freak.

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