Is it normal to be afraid from studying abroad ????

I probably gonna study medicine in Germany, and i'm kinda afraid to go to Germany, I live in an eastern country and my culture is very different than the western culture, and of course there's the german language which I find it hard to learn and I feel I won't fit in???

looking to hear your advices end experiences .

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Comments ( 3 )
  • Unimportant

    Germany is a very, very multicultural place, you should have no problems fitting in. You speaking English is a big bonus as well.

    Viel Spass in Deutschland.

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  • CoraCook

    Okay, this post needs some lovin', I see.

    Depending on your age (I assume you're quite young) you'll have no trouble picking up the language, even if it's difficult. If you work on it a bit, you'll do fine. What type of Eastern language do you speak? (You mean Eastern European, right?)

    Worrying about fitting in in a different culture than yours is normal, but that shouldn't be your main concern. If you have the chance to live and study in a new country (and a very developed one, for that matter), you should consider yourself very lucky. Foreigners will always be foreigners in a different culture but you can surely become part of it, even if you are, obviously, different. The cultural mix in the world is one of the most interesting things you'll ever find, and you will see that it works both ways and that you'll find your own group. In my experience, Germans are a very curious people and they generally love to experience new people and new cultures (at least the ones I've met).

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    • omar123

      thanks, that's very helpful

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