Is it normal to be afraid of dead bodies

I have a fear of dead bodies. The more gruesome the death the more i want to keep my distance.

Voting Results
96% Normal
Based on 27 votes (26 yes)
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Comments ( 9 )
  • Pseodonihm

    Uhm...Yea. It's normal. Most people are terrified when having to face their own mortality. And if you ever have actually come upon a real dead body, even a nice clean death, before the professionals do their work. You would be pretty crept out.

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    • Ellenna

      What do you mean about the professionals? You mean before the corpse is tarted up and embalmed? You do realise most of the world don't do this, it's a US thing.

      I've been at a death which was expected, life support having been turned off, and helped the dead person's mother and family wash and dress him. It was one of the greatest privileges of my life to be there, and no-one crept out or was creeped out either.

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      • Pseodonihm

        I don't think the OP is talking about dealing with a death at a hospital. I'm talking about coming upon a body exposed to the elements. In a ditch or what have you. I have never come upon a human corpse, but I have seen a few animal corpses, a few days in the sun, and that was enough for me.

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        • Ellenna

          Oh ok maybe you're right, but I still don't see that it's the actual body OP is "scared" of because a dead body can't hurt you, although it might repulse and sicken you and make you consider your own mortality against your will.

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  • Ellenna

    This isn't about fearing dead bodies, surely, it's about fearing death, which is an entirely different thing.

    I don't fear death but I still don't want to die yet, there's still too much to do and experience and I'd like to see my youngest grandchild grow up.

    Do you mean you fear seeing dead bodies? That's fairly normal but not if it's a phobia. Sooner or later you'll probably be close to a dead person and I can assure you, it won't hurt you, but your fear might

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  • KeddersPrincess

    I fuck them.

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  • DannyKanes

    Frightened? Why are you frightened?

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  • flightlesskiwi

    Totally normal. I have that fear as well.

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  • Light-Yagami

    100% normal and natural. It's weird NOT to fear dead bodies.

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