Is it normal to be afraid of different opinions?

Sometimes I get in debates with people and their opinions make me nervous to the point of crying. I'll give two recent examples:

Yesterday, on an anti-SJW page, the admins posted a picture of a random fat girl who said she was a feminist so that everyone could make fun of her. I thought it was basic knowledge of ethics that that's a really shitty thing to do, but the majority of people were saying that it was just fine and dandy to make really rude jokes about the girl's body "because freedom of speech". It made me really anxious that those commenters had such a twisted perception of what I thought was "objective right and wrong", it made me extremely nervous that the world was becoming so evil and perverse.

Today, on a Facebook group, someone was saying that they think the state should have more power over drug addicts and people with mental disorders, that the state should forcibly take them to institutions or hospitals. That really freaked me out, because I think people should have as much freedom as possible, even if it ends up being bad for them (the State doesn't know what's best for every citizen), plus I have a phobia of psychiatric treatment. So I got very scared that this kind of opinion exists and that maybe these people will eventually have the power to put their plans into practice, and I started crying and all.

Is that normal? Any advice? (Just please, don't argue with my political/social views, that's not the point of my post here).

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58% Normal
Based on 19 votes (11 yes)
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Comments ( 6 )
  • squirrelgirl

    You're upset because you can't believe there are mean people on the Internet? The first thing you need to know about the internet (aside from the fact that there is porn around every corner) is that it's a breeding ground for hatred and cruelty. People have committed suicide because of being bullied over the Internet. I have taken the stance of always assuming that everyone on any given website is going to act out of cruelty towards others. Usually I'm right but at least it allows me to be pleasantly surprised when I'm wrong.

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  • seekelp

    The world does not, and never will consist of individuals who all share your opinion. The sooner you realize this, the better you'll feel about stuff in general.

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  • reminiscent

    I dont know what sjw is

    However your a little contradictory here. You said in the 2nd part that people should have as much freedom as possible while stating in the first part stating people were evil and perverse for posting about that girl.

    Thing is ... is that you cant have your cake and eat it too. You ether have to agree everyone has as much freedom as ppossible or start restricting freedoms more.
    Now the people have every right to make fun of that girl you also have every right to voice your opinion. They are most likely less empathetic to the girl because she is a feminist. And perhaps they should have displayed their distaste for the group rather then picking on someones weight.... seeing as I bet a few of them were overweight as well.
    but they are right you shouldn't restrict someones freedom of speech no matter how offensive you find it. Just use your freedom of speech for your opinion as well.

    I do agree with you on the 2nd part... that sounds scary.

    People can get quite worked up over things.
    But you just need to work on remaining calm... remember these are just opinions... you also have opinions. If you find yourself stressing over them I suggest avoid debating. Or just walk away from the conversation... and do something to calm yourself.

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    • SJW is Social Justice Warrior. No, I'm not being contradictory: people should have as much freedom as possible, but people should know not to use that freedom to be assholes. I don't want the state or Facebook (it was on FB) or the admins of the page to ban/silence those commenters, but I wish they had thought "I'm free to make fun of the fat girl, but that's a very mean thing to do, so I won't make rude comments."

      Yeah, I guess. I need to stay away from that. But high school turned me into a sub-politics junkie.

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      • reminiscent

        Maybe they should have... but not everyone is nice. Its unfortunate really...
        but they still had every right.

        Lol... I also debate things with people. :P
        but it doesnt make me feel like I want to cry :(
        So I suggest if you do get into one to have something ready to calm you in those moments.

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        • They did have the right; it just upsets me that they lacked the morals.

          I hate debating things, though, I really need to stop doing that. Anyway, yeah, thanks for the advice :)

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