Is it normal to be afraid of ghosts/ demons.

I'm so scared that where I live is haunted. When I have company over, and the sun is going down, talk about spirit related things are off limits especially "demon talk".I'm not particularly religious or superstitious but I'm terrified of ghosts. If I watch a scary movie I have to sleep with someone,or watch it during the day then watch a comedy. On regular nights I sleep with a night light and a cat, cause cats are supposed to scare ghosts(or so my mom said)....maybe I'm a bit superstitious lol. Is this normal?

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76% Normal
Based on 33 votes (25 yes)
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Comments ( 22 )
  • edna

    Demons and ghosts are the agents of Satan!!!!! Only Jesus Christ our lord can protect you from them!!! And when he had called to him his twelve disciples, he gave them power against unclean spirits, to cast them out, and to heal all manner of sickness and all manner of disease.Matthew 10:1

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    • anti-hero

      The Bible never mentioned ghosts.

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  • ArmusWasTheFirstTroll

    People tend to have beliefs not supported by science. It is normal.

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    • Doktor_Hildred_Von_Steinmann

      I support this comment.

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  • thegypsysailor

    Given that you are over 6 years old, it's really time to grow up. You know very well that neither ghosts or goblins exist. If there was any proof to the contrary at all, then it would be the biggest news in human history and EVERYBODY would know about it, and NOBODY would disbelieve.
    So get over it and stop being a baby.

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    • tattooartist

      Thanks for the advice, I mean that's your opinion. I should stop being a baby. I'm sure those words will make a huge different

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      • thegypsysailor

        If that's all you took from my post, it's no wonder you are terrified by things that don't exist.
        I feel sorry for you; you are gonna have a pretty tough life, I'm afraid.

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        • tattooartist

          I honestly have no idea, why you're so negative. You're on a site, that is about people asking questions about their own specifically knew what site you're own,what category it is and idk if you know this but the fear is actually pretty popular,found out after some research. I was clearly polite to you. Never did anything to you, therefore you should really dust off your "ba humbug" attitude because it makes it hard for people to like you at all,and I'm sorry but it sounds like you're the one with a horrible life to come on this site and pick on people. Am I ashamed of being scared of ghosts?even if they're not real I dont want to risk it. Just because not everyone believes in it doesn't make it automatically fake. Even now not everyone believes about global warming, that doesn't make that fake. I respected your opinion of you not believing in it, I'd like it if you didn't try to put me down though.
          It makes you look immature. You wouldn't want the internet to know how sad you are,would you?

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          • thegypsysailor

            Dude, I gave you a perfect, reasonable out, no risk, no worries, but you chose to concentrate on the word baby. I just don't get it.
            Once again, and this time please think about this very carefully; If there was the slightest possibility that ghosts, goblins or any other such creature existed, the media and news outlets would be all over it and you would hear about it even if you lived in a fucking cave! Honestly, it could NOT be covered up. Dude, "Just because not everyone believes in it doesn't make it automatically fake". If it was real EVERYBODY would have to believe, because of the above. Is there one sane human on this planet who could possibly still believe that the moon is made of Swiss cheese? No? Why? Because some men have walked on it's surface and it made world wide news.
            Honestly, I was trying to help you, perhaps a bit insensitively, but that was my intent. I am so sorry that the word baby was the only thing you were able to comprehend of my op.
            Please, if you still think, "Just because not everyone believes in it doesn't make it automatically fake", please, don't tell me, I really would prefer no to know.

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  • MissDethstar

    I'd be more afraid of people If I where you.

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  • notleo

    I used to be like that... when I was 10 I kinda let go of it but some of my friends in high school even some parents think that's possible me myself, I don't believe in that but I think it's pretty normal for someone to be afraid heck, if I believed my grandma would appear on the foot of my bed I would get a cat and sleep with my light on!

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  • DarQness

    i think you either should face these fears or stay away from it as much as possible. i believe in spirits and demons. the only difference about my belief in them, i'm not afraid.

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  • wistfulmaiden

    I don't think you should be that scared unless you have a reason, like youre hearing voices or seeing phantoms. A lot of people will tell you theres no such thing but I know people who do see and have seen spirits. I believe in ghosts/spirits whatever you call them, some are good some are bad but most of the time they wont bother you unless you give them a reason(like defacing a grave) or an invitation(ouija board).
    If you mind your own business you will most likely be safe.

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    • tattooartist

      I was raised in a family that believes in spirits, growing up in a violent neighborhood I saw people die/dead people, my grandmother and I would light candles in hopes that they passed on peacefully. I used to see things when I was little. Freaked me out forever,so I'm paranoid.our neighbor used to do black magic stuff and that freaked me out that we live in our new place,I haven't seen anything but I hear creaks and sounds that probably are nothing but scare the willies out of me lol.

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      • wistfulmaiden

        Im not psychic or anything but my husband has seen ghosts and also angels. When I was pregnant once he saw an evil hag-thing sitting on me while I was asleep! He asked God to make it go away and it did. We lived in a house that had really bad vibes, and we were all depressed and sick while we lived there. He saw ghost there at least 3 times. Luckily we have moved since then.

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  • KeddersPrincess

    I'm a ghost/demon.

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    • tattooartist


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  • Blue_Velvet

    People tend to become paranoid after watching scary movies. I'd say it's normal as long as it doesn't affect your daily life.

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  • Doktor_Hildred_Von_Steinmann

    Keep a statue of Anubis by your bed side table.

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    • RoseIsabella

      What will that do?

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  • PieGoblin^^

    No dude, its not normal. How old are you? Surely if you're old enough to be using this site than you're old enough to realise that there is no such fucking thing as demons, ghosts, or basically anything even remotely similar to those things.

    I swear, some people should not be allowed to watch horrors if this is how they're going to react to them. I watched the unrated version of the Excorsist when I was 6, so there.

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    • tattooartist

      Actually I wasn't exposed to horror movie until later on really except the classics like jeepers creepers and chucky. Yea,you're right, I mean I do know better, I just really hate the thought, it freaks me out since I grew up with a spiritual family, that believes in that stuff,so I avoid it cause well, I'm a

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