Is it normal to be afraid of planets?

I have a particular fear and never met anyone with anything similar to it.

Whenever I see very detailed or high quality images of certain planets I always get this extremely uncomfortable feeling and have to look away or close the image. The worst are planets like Saturn and Jupiter, something about them really gets to me and rationally I know it's silly, yet I can't seem to get over it. The worst I get it is if I'm playing video games with space travel or using those 3D space map things and the planet suddenly zooms up on me, so I ended up stopping all together and closing the program, even though I find them fun.

Does anyone else have a similar fear to mine?

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Based on 41 votes (10 yes)
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Comments ( 13 )
  • ArmusWasTheFirstTroll

    Don't look down.

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  • Fall_leaves

    There was a picture posted, about how it would look if Jupiter were our moon. I had a similar reaction. The planets that are larger than us are pretty frightening.

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  • Short4Words

    The only similar fear I have is of space. It is the most fascinating and terrifying thing to me.

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    • eastbeast

      Well it is the final frontier.

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  • galen

    It would be cool to be on Jupiter... well, for the fraction of a second that I survived. The cold, the gravity, the pressure, the raging winds!

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  • Murun

    The gas giants are pretty mental if you think about them.
    This is good.. A true scale map of our solar system on one extremely wide page:

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  • Danie

    With all the aliens on those planets, I'd be terrified as well.

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  • slings_and_arrows

    I get this with pictures of earth coz I feel like I'm out in space looking at earth...

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    • TrustMeImLying

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      • slings_and_arrows

        Cheers for that! I felt like I was stranded on Mars.

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  • JD777

    When you were a kid, did a mean classmate pull a styrofoam planet off one of those solar system models and bean you in the face with it?

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    • ToskaStar

      No, but that would have made it easy to explain haha! I can't recall anything from my past that could have caused it, unfortunately.

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      • Asstastics

        Could be remnants of outer space nightmares left over from childhood.

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