Is it normal to be afreight of spiders?
Is it normal to be afreight of spiders?
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Is it normal to be afreight of spiders?
For some people it's normal to be afraid of spiders. Its such a common fear that there's a name for it, Arachnophobia.
I'm not afraid of spiders because I think they're beautiful and I didn't grow up where there were a lot of poisonous or aggressive ones. I now live in an area where black widows are fairly common, but they're so so shy and non aggressive that I've grown to love them too.
You probably have arachnophobia, the fear of spiders and other arachnids, which is quite a common phobia. Don't worry, Justin Timberlake, Emma Stone, and Selena Gomez has it, too.
I just scream:
She would come in and mash it with my mom's shoe. If it falls onto my bed, I would want to sleep on her couch bed.
i can't play skyrim because of it.
i used to be very scared of even the tiny ones, but not anymore.
anything bigger than a centimetre still freaks me out though, and any insects in fact
Only one way to handle a rouge spider. Punch that mother fucker in the face...