Is it normal to be annoyed by sentences/paragraphs written in all lower case?

There's a growing trend, primarily among the under 30 crowd, to type without punctuation, capitalization, or even paragraph structure. I often find it difficult to read, understand, or concentrate on the message—especially if it’s long, because I'm so distracted by the unclear, childlike writing. I'm a writer, so yeah, I'm more conscientious about showing command of the English language than the average person—it's my passion. You wouldn't fault a mechanic for ensuring all the nuts and bolts on your car are properly reapplied, so please refrain from being an asshat to me for wanting to do my job to the best of my ability. Worth noting, apparently those who habitually write INN questions/paragraphs in all lower case also don't read or follow instructions very well either as the paragraph RIGHT ABOVE the input field I’m currently typing in states:

"Tell your story. Keep it real. Do everyone a favor and use punctuation and correct spelling. Try not to confuse the voter with other questions! Off topic or innapropriate submissions will be promptly removed, so only post if it belongs here on this site. (Note: If some girl/boy just broke your heart, or you're insecure about your penis size, then trust us, it's fine. Please do not ask again.)"

[Did anyone else notice that "inappropriate" is misspelled above? Don't look at me, I copied and pasted.]

ANYWAY . . .
What's up with the this trend? It's not cool, or edgy, it just makes people read like uneducated morons, and why would anyone want to appear stupid?! I just don't get it. Should anyone care to enlighten me, I'm open.

resistance is futile 3
Sometimes 2
Hell yes it's annoying 8
I don't care 1
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Comments ( 8 )
  • donteatstuffoffthesidewalk

    is yall serious?

    yall cants be serious

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    • dam u figrd it out i is gist fukn wicha dont tell teh ottrs tho cuz day mite git mad an hack my ass den what id b all board cuz no net an shit den id be like wtf am i gonna do now i dont think i can go on if i aint got no net 2 keep me from gitn board i dunno wachoo think brah u ever feel like life is out 2 git u an noone understand wachoo tryin 2 say den day gist juge u like day no evryting an u gist dum an day gist frontin like day all kings of evryting i git tured of all dat crap an wanna bust sum heads n shit how bout u u ever wanna bust some heads or u a passfist pussy who let dem do u in da but like u is dare bitch wat up brah huh wat up

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      • donteatstuffoffthesidewalk


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  • Boojum

    I assume it has become a habit because shifting between upper and lower case requires an additional thumb-tap when using a phone. Many people feel under constant pressure to get their contributions posted to Twatter or whatever before the world forgets they exist, so every second counts.

    I do my best to express my thoughts clearly, but I'm pretty relaxed about the spelling, grammar and punctuation of others. I assume they're doing their best, and I do my best to understand the points they're trying to make.

    When it comes to IIN, my main annoyance is how many people don't state their gender, age and general physical location when these factors are directly relevant to their question.

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    • So . . . people are asking/answering INN questions using their phones?

      What excuse have they for typing like uneducated first graders on computer keyboards? Broken pinkies? Laziness? Being a part of the "in" crowd? Passive-aggressive resistance to the established patterns of communication? Wanting to help dumb down writing standards to hide their inability to to write comprehensively?

      From what I've seen, you consistently do an excellent job of expressing yourself clearly. I like that about you.

      As for your main annoyance regarding people not disclosing personal details of "gender, age and general physical location," I get how many think such information is useful, yet I'll take every opportunity to discourage making generalizations about people based on said criteria. Sometimes the best way to avoid those generalizations is to leave that information out of the conversation.

      What annoys me most is when people establish erroneous opinions about me upon discovering my age, gender or location, because not only are they usually wrong, they're VERY wrong.

      My feeling is, if anyone wants to get to know me then interact with me and get to know me organically. Don't predetermine who I am by often irrelevant criteria stemming from subjective biases &/or lazy thinking.

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  • HA! Cheeky monkey. ;)

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  • JustAHuman

    sometimes capital letters and punctuation are needed.

    Fucking a dude

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    • When fucking a dude, grammar isn't even a thought. If it is, somebody isn't pulling their weight.

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