Is it normal to be annoyed with people making fun of things you like
I know everyone is free to have their own opinions on things, but some people can get really annoying with their dislike of things. For example, one day I said “we’re all mad here” and my sister told me not to quote that because she hated that book. Personally, the book Alice in Wonderland has been a big inspiration for me, so much so that I decided if I had a daughter I would name her Alice, but I can’t expect everyone to have the same experience. But who cares whether you like something or not, I can quote whatever I want, and so can anyone else.
But the thing that annoys me most is if there’s a certain scene or quote that I find inspirational and people dismiss it. For example , my sister’s have often teased me for liking Lord the Rings, and while it may not be for everyone, I suggest watching Sam’s speech and try finding something wrong with it.
And one particularly uncomfortable one was when I was watching a Doctor Who episode with the tenth doctor’s regeneration, and it was a really powerful and moving scene, but the whole time I was trying to watch my sisters kept shouting about how much they hate the show and lame it is.
There’s plenty more examples, mainly from my sisters, but I don’t want to this post to be overly long. But basically just try to think back to something that really touched you, perhaps a movie or tv show scene that made you cry or at least inspired you. Then imagine having to deal with people who made fun of you for liking it, when they themselves like things that you can make fun of as well.
I’m not saying that everything I like is good and everyone has to agree with me, or that they don’t have flaws or can’t be criticized, but sometimes I just don’t understand what exactly people dislike about it, and it gets annoying dealing with people who keep making fun of you for liking them, even if they actually have helped you through a rough spot in life. I guess I shouldn’t be such a mindless fan boy and start living in the real world.