Is it normal to be anti vaccinations?

I just saw something on the news about this and thought I'd poll our is it normal folks.

Some people are "anti-vaxxers", meaning they do not want to get vaccinations or have their children get them.

Some people get vaccinated against serious diseases and get their children vaccinated.

is it normal to be against vaccinations? Why? Why not?

Voting Results
32% Normal
Based on 34 votes (11 yes)
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Comments ( 22 )
  • penisprisoner

    i love vacations im dying to hit the beach

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  • NeofelisNebulosa

    Anti-vaxxers are ignorant. They think that because ONE CHILD, sometime in the history of the universe, got sick after being vaccinated, that it means all vaccines are evil and give you autism or seizures. Their arguments are based on anecdotes and never facts. Your chances of having any kind of adverse reaction to a vaccine are about 1 in a million. And now we are seeing a resurgence of measles, rubella, and similar diseases because of these anti vaxxers. Now the immunocompramised people like children with cancer or people with HIV are at more risk for these antiquated diseases because they aren't able to get any vaccines themselves.

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    • You're right. The doctor who did the "study" that linked autism to vaccinations was found to be a fraud. He was paid by a law firm to do the fake study and the law firm then developed a sub-practice to sue pharma companies using the study as "proof"! The doctor was found guilty of several counts, lost his license to practice medicine and went to jail. But still people think its true. Geez!

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  • Koda

    The benefits of getting vaccinated far outweigh the risks in my opinion, especially since, at this present time, there isn't really any proof that vaccinations cause any serious disorders. I'm not stubborn though, I could change my tune if in 15 years they prove that every modern epidemic is caused by them XD

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  • howaminotmyself

    It is really sad. People want what's best for their children but try so hard to find things that are wrong with big pharma. I hate them. People often asdune I am of the anti vax persuasion because of my beliefs. They annoy me.

    There are kids who can't receive the medications because of allergies. It is up to socjety to protect them with what is known as herd resistance. If we truly want to protect all children, we will give healthy kids their vaccinations.

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    • Avant-Garde

      There's a lot of ignorance on this post. You and couman's comments both downvoted due to a difference in opinion. I know my comment is bound to be the target of ire. Oh well, I have no interest in arguing.

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      • howaminotmyself

        What I know about you, you probably should be very cautious with vaccines as well as diet and other environmental influences. And your health will depend on the health of those around you. How do you expect to survive an outbreak if everyone around you is sick and you can't tolerate the medication?

        I had the discussion with a friend who is HIV positive. He thinks people who willing avoid the vaccinations are creating an unnecessary risk to him as well as people like you who have chronic health issues.

        I don't get the flu shot nor do I plan to unless I am at risk. But I did update my whooping cough vaccine when an outbreak hit my region and I had a newborn who can't get the shot. (Immunity transfers through breast milk.) I pick and choose the vaccines for my children. I have a wonderful doctor.

        It is a complicated issue. There is ignorance on both sides and makes for a heated debate.

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        • Avant-Garde

          I eat very healthy and I take things that boost the immune system. My health issues have a lot gotten better.

          I just pray that we don't get an Ebola outbreak here because, I don't know of any discovered natural medicine that can kill it off besides, that experimental vaccine made from tobacco.

          When we had the Swine Flu outbreak, I somehow managed to avoid getting it despite my health problems.

          I'm not cocky but, I've managed to "cheat" death many times despite seemingly getting so close to it. I pray my luck never runs out.

          As for HIV, I know of a few natural substances that kill it.

          - bee venom
          - a species of black seed
          - camel's milk
          - and some people swear on coconut oil

          I believe that there's a natural cure for everything out there.

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          • Ellenna

            Where's your evidence that any of those things make any difference at all to HIV?

            Can you please tell me the "natural cure" for pneumonia, which used to kill most people who contracted it, and which would've killed me too by now if it weren't for antibiotics?

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            • Avant-Garde

              There are natural substances with anti-viral/anti-biotic properties.

              I did my research and so should you. Find your own truth or stick to what you know has worked for you. You're skeptical, which a lot of people are nowadays. If you don't want to believe in natural cures, that's fine too. I'm not here to argue with anyone.

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          • Redcoats

            I'm certain these substances are very good for you and contain anti-viral/anti-biotic properties, but you can't cure HIV with camels milk.

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  • thegypsysailor

    It is the most ridiculous thing in the world to be anti-vaccination, as you call it.
    For the infinitesimal number of folks who have a bad reaction, there are literally millions who benefit. Some pretty serious diseases like polio and TB had been brought under control because of vaccinations, and it is only a giant step backwards to undo all that has been achieved with vaccinations.
    Just because some blonde playboy bunny with huge boobs thinks (really, thinks?) this is a good idea, doesn't mean it is.
    I sincerely hope you get no one that responds that this is a good idea.

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  • Couman

    It's a simple piece of logic: If the government is trying to force you to do something, it's probably something you won't like. The pro-vaxxers need to understand this. The more coercion they use, the most certain their opponents will be that they were right all along.

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    • Avant-Garde

      Did you hear about the pregnant nurse who got fired after she tried to opt out of being vaccinated? And, NYC mandatory vaccine law for kids?

      It's crazy. Freedom and rights for civilians, my ass.

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      • CountessDouche

        Are you joking?

        She most certainly should have been fired.

        Many hospital patients are immune surgical, cancer ridden, immune deficient, elderly, prone to infections and disease in general. It would ultimately be a HUGE liability for a hospital to even consider employing someone who refused vaccinations, considering how easily a preventable virus can spread in that environment.

        Not to mention the inevitable lawsuits if someone sniffed out the fact that they were treated by a healthcare worker who put them at risk.

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        • Avant-Garde

          I've stayed out of the healthcare system and haven't been around people with extremely low immunity for so long that it is very easy to forget these things.

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  • everything is debatable including vaccinations , most parents care for their child not millions of others , just theirs

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  • Avant-Garde

    I don't plan to have any children. My mother and I, started doing research awhile back and learned about mercury levels in vaccine and the crippling side-effects for those who received the vaccination for swine flu. Both vaccines and antibiotics wipe out healthy gut flora, which leads to build up of candida albicans, a parasitic yeast found in the guts of many. This eventually leads to the candida escaping out of the gut into the rest of the body where it creates havoc (candida overgrowth). Some doctors say that there's a link between candida overgrowth and cancer. Since, stopping with taking antibiotics/vaccines, my health has been so much better. I don't get sick like I used to. 

    Further research found that mercury is still presenting vaccines as are:

    - cancer cells

    - some believe, morgellons


    The US government has a long and scary history of using humans as test subjects. We are being used as guinea pigs. It's not just with the vaccines, it is also with chemtrails and what's inside them. All of this is bringing us one step closer to Transhumanism.

    I know a lot of this may seem crazy. Its a hard pill to swallow for many.

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    • Ellenna

      Most people have candida albicans in their bodies causing no problems at all. I agree it can be a problem after taking antibiotics, but it's hardly a huge crippling condition: it can usually be prevented by eating lots of yoghurt or treated with nilstatin. I have emphysema and if it weren't for antibiotics I probably would've died the first time I had pneumonia.

      Who are these "some doctors" who link it with cancer? Your sentence beginning "Further research" doesn't make any sense at all and WTF is Transhumanism?

      I agree a lot of your post does seem crazy and full of hysterial over-reactions.

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      • Avant-Garde

        There's a female doctor from England, who created a Chitin inhibitor that prevents the Candida Albicans from regenerating its chitin armour, allowing for it to be destroyed. She had breast cancer and asked for the tumor after it was removed. She did a biopsy on her tumor and looked at it under the microscope. She realized that her tumor had a very similar structure to that of a fungus. It is her belief that candida overgrowth, if left in the body too long, eventually turns into cancer.

        There's a male doctor who says that the majority of his cancer patients have candida overgrowth.

        (There's a study on weed saying that it kills cancer cells. I know you smoke it so, you might find this of interest.

        Candida overgrowth creates many symptoms that are easily mixed up with having other causes. It took me many years for me to realize that I had it.

        It is a pain in the ass to get rid of amd it still lives on even when the person it lives in dies. The diets don't kill it and it can build up tolerance to anti-fungals. I don't know about AUS but, in the US chitin-inhibiters are banned. They haven't been approved by the FDA. The only thing I know of that kills and removes it outright, is Diatomaceous Earth (or DE) that's food grade. It removes a number of harmful things from the body: GMOs, allergens, bacteria, etc. Perhaps, it could even removes morgellons but, I don't think anyones ever tried it. This stuff is amazing.

        The "morgellons-exposed" site is the best site I've been able to find on this issue. It's an eye opener, I haven't read everything on the site but, they should have a page on "transhumanism". I know they have an interview with the scientist who created it. "The House That Morgellons Made" page is something to look into.

        I haven't deeply gone into the ins and outs of transhumanism because, it disturbs me so. Stalin had the "humanzee experiment".

        The US government has only two bases/projects where transhumanism and other genetic experimentation takes place:

        - Dulce Base

        & Plum Island, located close to NYC. There were plans to relocate the project to the heart of the country's agricultural industry.

        There's a film called,"Splice", starring Adrian Brody that's centered around this concept. It's a terrifying film with terrifying implications.

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        • Ellenna

          So one doctor observed that her tumor had a similar structure to fungus, therefore candida becomes cancer? Is she selling Chitin inhibitors, whatever they are?

          Even if it's true that the majority of one doctor's cancer patients had candida overgrowth, they also all drink water and eat food - that's no evidence of causality.

          I don't smoke weed, by the way: I have emphysema so I don't smoke anything. I do eat it in cookies and have found it helps my breathing by opening up bronchial tubes slightly, but obviously not if smoked.

          I hadn't heard of morgellons before I read your post, but I've now done some research and I'm convinced by the evidence that it's a delusional condition.

          I think I've wasted enough time on this so I'll take a look at transhumanism another time when I have nothing better to do

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