Is it normal to be anxious and preoccupied about all the bad in the world?

Is it normal to be preoccupied by all the bad in the world that is happening now on a grand scale, like visualizing all the bad shit that is taking place globally at this very moment--mostly things I can't fix/are outside my personal control? For example...starving children, greedy corporations, corrupt politics, out of control religions, war, people killing each other, people destroying rainforests and natural habitats, puppy mills, poachers, people living in extreme poverty? It's always in the back of my mind, and lately something is constantly driving my awareness to visualize these things happening at this very second, even when my life isn't personally affected by it.
And what scares me even more how desensitized most of us seem to be to all of it... It worries me more than any shitty personal problem I could possibly have. How can I stop? When I focus on what seems great about the world, I feel guilty because all of the bad is still going unsolved and it puts me in a panic, sometimes a crying hysteria. And then I get upset/angry about why society cares more about social media, getting richer, keeping up with the Kardashians, etc. I do volunteer work and do what I can to "do my part" but this is happening more and more often and it's starting to affect my happiness and making me cynical about society and the world in general. I'm basically really afraid for the world and upset with the flawed nature of the human race. Am I going crazy?! Sometimes I just get the urge to totally disconnect and go live off the grid to keep my sanity.

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Comments ( 9 )
  • RoseIsabella


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    • kori

      I'M TRYING

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  • cosmictripster

    It's good that you're not ignorant of the bad in the world like the people you talked about. All the more reason to appreciate what you do have. Just do what you can to make a positive difference, no matter how small.

    I think this kinda sums it up better than anything I've seen.

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    • kori

      Thank you so much for this... It makes me feel a lot less alone in my thinking. I guess I need to accept the fact that I can't stop all the bad in the world, but I can focus on being a loving person and doing as much good as possible!

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      • cosmictripster

        You're welcome! And yea there's a lot of bad in the world, but there's a lot of good too. Just try to be a part of the latter and enjoy your life.

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  • Spankz

    I used to be much like you. I suffered from "existential depression" and was quite the misanthrope. However, I quickly discovered that there are amazing things in this world that don't make it on to the news, not to mention amazing people with wonderful mentalities. Yes, we might live in what some would consider a "corrupt" world, however, no one ever bothers to see the beauty in life.

    My attitude changed the minute I began to indulge in the world around me; the twinkling of snow flakes as they fall from the sky, the warm, humid air of the summer, even the colourful leaves in autumn. I am still very much aware of the evil in the world, but I choose not to let it get me down. When I feel misanthropic I breathe and think of all the pleasant things in my life, like the forehead kisses my boyfriend gives me, or doing favours for people and seeing their faces light up!

    Evil is prominent, but so is love and the wonders of the world. People call me ignorant, but I know very well the "perils" that lie around me, I just choose to glorify the good rather than the bad. It's in our nature to make a big deal out of the bad, as it is a defense mechanism, but it doesn't have to be. Just remember that there are beautiful things happening around you each second.

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  • mystery7

    Here's a step in the right direction. Stop watching TV news stations incessantly.

    My TV stopped working about 3 years ago and I decided to go cold turkey on TV. I have not replaced it. And I don't miss it. (about the only thing I enjoyed on tv was Seinfeld and Ali G anyway, which says a lot about me... pathetic I know)

    This means I'm happier because I'm not subjected to so much bullshit 24/7 news telling me how crazy and bad this world obviously is.

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  • CoolKid23

    We need to make a real life Hunger Games but with hundreds of thousands of tributes, not 24.

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  • CoolKid23

    If we can kill the bad people in this world, we can keep the good people and not have to worry. Extreme measures must be taken to end extreme problems. Killing the innocent is wrong, killing bad people is not only fun but also helpful to the world.

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