Is it normal to be anxious and preoccupied about all the bad in the world?
Is it normal to be preoccupied by all the bad in the world that is happening now on a grand scale, like visualizing all the bad shit that is taking place globally at this very moment--mostly things I can't fix/are outside my personal control? For example...starving children, greedy corporations, corrupt politics, out of control religions, war, people killing each other, people destroying rainforests and natural habitats, puppy mills, poachers, people living in extreme poverty? It's always in the back of my mind, and lately something is constantly driving my awareness to visualize these things happening at this very second, even when my life isn't personally affected by it.
And what scares me even more how desensitized most of us seem to be to all of it... It worries me more than any shitty personal problem I could possibly have. How can I stop? When I focus on what seems great about the world, I feel guilty because all of the bad is still going unsolved and it puts me in a panic, sometimes a crying hysteria. And then I get upset/angry about why society cares more about social media, getting richer, keeping up with the Kardashians, etc. I do volunteer work and do what I can to "do my part" but this is happening more and more often and it's starting to affect my happiness and making me cynical about society and the world in general. I'm basically really afraid for the world and upset with the flawed nature of the human race. Am I going crazy?! Sometimes I just get the urge to totally disconnect and go live off the grid to keep my sanity.