Is it normal to be attached to my things as if they are my babies/kids ?

Is it normal to be too attached to your things as if they are your own kids ?. Many times my sister takes my stuff and lose them or give them to her friends without bringing them back i get really angry at her !, by angry i mean i remember a thing she gave to her ex boyfriend three or four years ago and keep talking about it , if i have a big bag and don't find my keys , bag , perfume i almost get a heart or anxiety -attack , as my heart beats so fast and i get so scared , as if i lost my child !.

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Comments ( 4 )
  • bananaface

    I don't think it's majorly weird, but I don't think it should be compared to losing your child either:P. I remember stuff like that too, even from over 10 years ago. And about losing stuff like your keys, I think most people get a little bit panicked. And then you run around like a madman frantically looking for them. After a little while I even start praying whilst looking, and I'm not even religious! And then I try to lure the lost thing out of hiding by saying "pleeeease" and stuff like that repeatedly. No fun!

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  • la_uva_mojada

    dont b materialistic

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  • lilrebel80

    just dont become a hoarder! many items are associated with memories, although the item itself is only a reminder of the memory, not the memory itself- very important to remember

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  • I dont think this is normal but I see other people do it. Honestly it always pissed me off when my exgirlfriend would panic over not being able to find something. Most the time the item would show up in a couple minutes but she would panic before even looking everywhere. Its either going to show up or its not and if its not what are you really going to do about it. calm the fuck down.

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