Is it normal to be biromantic homosexual

I date men and I have feelings for men but in recent years not often. When I try to be intimate with a man its so off putting. Ive never experienced a traditional family life so ive always wanted to make one for myself one day, be wife and husband and own a house... Havent thought about if its what is right for me. I never plan my future seriously. I am too scattered minded for that kind of focus.

I find it hard to consider myself bi. Ive never had sex because ive only dated men. I want nothing to do with peen. I dont even like kissing men but I do it when I date because I have to.
The reason ive never dated women is I have no friends. I have really bad social phobia, even after exposure therapy and exposing myself without therapy for many years on and off. I cant even get a job without a help coach. Its a miracle I made it through all school years with good attendance and decent grades. I can date, because on tinder you chat first, but theres an overflow of men on tinder and no queer women... I know there's many lesbians and bi women where I live but they have friends and they go out, not on tinder. Most women when i've been working or internship they talk about their boyfriend a lot, or children if they have any, or both. It makes me uncomfortable. Even when I was with my ex I hated to talk about it. I loved him, he's still very important to me, but it was half a relationship. I rather isolate. I am ashamed of my inexperience. Now I have come to a conclusion that I am biromantic but homosexual. I dont know how that fixes anything though. I am involved with a man. He is aware of me having questioned this a lot. He seems a bit fruity himself...

I am still hopeful I can get over my feeling of sex with men being gross. I really want a normal life with a good job, a husband, a house, and kids I guess... The whole picture, so I can feel accomplished. Sure the idea of living my life with a woman feels more appealing but at the same time fills me with shame.

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Comments ( 4 )
  • KholatKhult

    I’ve seen a couple people do the romantic-sexual separation thing, usually with asexual people. Heteroromantic-Asexual meaning a person who still wants to pursue partnerships but is adverse to sex. I’ve noticed this is usually a thing for people on the autism spectrum

    I think for bisexual people there is a much bigger draw to enter heterosexual relationships. Socially, emotionally, traditionally, etc reasons. Many bi people are very very happy living the nuclear family lifestyle.

    You can’t choose who you’re attracted to but you can choose who you pursue, and you must absolutely practice attraction discipline whether you’re straight, bi, gay, whatever. Sexuality whether it hetero or non is something that is intimate and personal.

    If you decide to pursue only hetero relationships, your sex life is to be decided between you and your partner on how you handle it. Plenty of people live without the sex habits they want, plenty of people also live without the diet they want, I think it’s a bit silly so many people get so upset and frustrated over it.

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  • SkullsNRoses

    How can you be biromantic if you don’t like kissing men? There’s a difference between wanting to find men attractive and actually being attracted to them.

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    • I am attracted to them. I think my ex is very hot and I always love him. I just dont think so in the right way I guess

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      • SkullsNRoses

        So you like to look at them and be friends with them but nothing further? Have you heard of “aesthetic attraction” where you can appreciate someone’s beauty without desiring sexual or romantic intimacy with them? Would that describe your feelings towards your ex?

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