Is it normal to be christian but not go to church?

I would go to church, but I have to wake up early and that sounds like a chore. I pray every night and I truly believe in God, it's just I find the Bible, or at least the people reading the verses, kind of boring. And the service is boring. But I don't like the concept of "Contemporary" churches as the ones I've seen and been to don't feel authentic.

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Comments ( 11 )
  • Wysiwyg

    Going to church doesn't make you a Christian any more than sitting in a garage makes you a car. It's what's inside that counts but it's good to connect with others. If church doesn't work, then find a bible study or a group of friends who share your faith. Rock on, fellow believers.

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    • AbnormallyAwesome

      I love how you phrased that. I'll have to remember that one ^^

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  • DuHast

    I don't go round to my friends houses every week, but we're still friends...
    So, unless God is really, really clingy, I think he'd be ok with it.

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  • Reiza

    Yes that's quite normal.

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  • walkingdildo

    Sorry but many of the answers here are bollocks.

    As an ex-Christian, of the traditional variety, I've got to say that if you're going to do Christianity, do it properly.

    Hebrews 10:24-25
    24And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds, 25 not giving up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but encouraging one another—and all the more as you see the Day approaching.

    Not giving up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing.

    This is exactly what church is. Christians meeting together to encourage each other.

    If you want to call yourself Christian, you can't give up church. Humans are social creatures and if you want to belong to something you have to keep up the practice. It's like saying you're a member of the local shooting club, but you never go and your membership card has expired.

    Look, if you don't want to be Christian, great, stop calling yourself Christian. But don't stop being a Christian and then leading others to believe you are. That's just dishonest. If you want to be a Christian, find a church that you believe speaks "the truth" (whatever that is), or the nearest to it and be discerning.

    But you cannot give up church altogether for no good reason and call yourself Christian. Especially when you call Christianity boring. You're not interested in it, ergo you're not a Christian.

    However, I would recommend if you don't like the contemporary churches (I didn't either, they were part of the reason I left Christianity altogether) that you find out if there is an Orthodox Christian church local to you.

    Orthodox Christianity is a completely different ball game to Catholicism or the various forms of Protestantism. If you are unsure what to look for, or want to know more, click my name and send me a message.

    I am not Christian anymore, in fact I am pagan, however I am always happy to help people practice their faith more constructively if I know anything about it.

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  • Kookulainamus

    Churches are sort of stupid. You don't need one to practice your beliefs.

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  • mysistersshadow

    Church isn't a necessity.

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  • _Mehhh_

    Tbh you sound like most self-labelled "Christians" in the 21st Century. I'm British, and probably most British people call themselves Christian... but seriously if you actually go around and ask anyone under 30 "when did you last go to church?" they'll be like "oh for ...'s wedding last year!"

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    • walkingdildo

      You'll be glad to know that this isn't true.

      By 2021, it could well be that 59% say "no religion" and 25% say Christian, a flip of the 2011 census.

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  • AbnormallyAwesome

    I go to church every sunday, but honestly, it's just for the people. Because there aren't many christians where I live. But the service dosen't usually do anything for me. I can still live my faith on a daily basis by not being a dick to people. What a church used to be historically, before institutionalised religion, was a small group of believers that shared their lifes and their faiths. So if you have a group of good friends and you can talk about your faith, than that is your church right there.

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  • MauriceLikesChicks1015

    I feel the same way because My family and I used to wake up every Sunday morning to go to Sunday morning church mass..But now we haven't done that in a while although we go to church for holiday masses or since that I go there to help out for Teen Group ;) No matter what God will always be with us. Amen :D

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