Is it normal to be completely tired of internet entertainment?

No longer entertained by things that used to keep me up all night. YouTubers are repetitive, so is Netflix. Online gaming feels like a time sinkhole that doesn't produce any tangible results. Twitter and FB are filled with mundane posts or click bait spam.

I'm starting to sound like an old man hahahah

I'd like to know how many other people are also fatigued by things that used to be entertaining.

Voting Results
79% Normal
Based on 42 votes (33 yes)
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Comments ( 20 )
  • D@RKT0WN

    i personally reached the end of the internet about 6 months ago. Now there's nothing left to do

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    • LittleGirlRapedAndSodomised#G8

      What does that mean?

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      • D@RKT0WN

        it's called a joke. You do know what a joke is... right ?

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        • LittleGirlRapedAndSodomised#G9

          The website sluthate is at the end of the internet not isitnormal that's why I asked what you meant by that, if you've been there then fine, if not you haven't reached the end of the Internet.

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          • D@RKT0WN

            ... says the guy who dated a whale of a morbidly obese girlfriend for a year. No wonder you frequent sites like sluthate

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            • LittleGirlRapedAndSodomised#P1

              Sluthate is a site where people on this website need to go to just get it over with, why stop there where sluthate is where they actually belong.

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          • LittleGirl'sAnalGape

            Oh come on your not fooling one. Your veiws on life and important matters are over exaggerated and supercilious. You're pathetic!!

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            • LittleGirlRapedAndSodomised#P1

              Supercilious that's a nice word to describe the "legit users" on this site not me. :)

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        • LittleGirlRapedAndSodomised#G8

          The website sluthate is at the end of the internet not isitnormal that's why I asked what you meant by that, if you've been there then fine, if not you haven't reached the end of the Internet.

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  • CountessDouche

    Go outside?

    Actually, that presumptuous of me. You might have some physical disability that prevents you from doing that. If that's the case, then books. I've never gotten bored of reading, and I love it. I do get bored of the internet and television, but never reading.

    However, if you can go outside, then go outside, damnit.

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  • Cheet0


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  • HiAGAIN10

    When you binge watch, yea. Same shit over and over. Youtubers aren't real celebrities. So you're basically watching a stranger act whatever way. Theyre cheesy af. If you had other interests before the internet consumed you I suggest getting back into those.

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