Is it normal to be concerned that your friend is locked up in someones basement
Is It Normal to be this concerned about not seeing a friend in over 7 months? And to have frantic concerns that he is locked up in a pedofiles basement?
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Is It Normal to be this concerned about not seeing a friend in over 7 months? And to have frantic concerns that he is locked up in a pedofiles basement?
12.00am: Monday, January 16th.
Police have revelled that after an 7 month missing person investigation into the disappearance of LotsofJunk. That he has been found dead with what is claimed in an homotopy that his arsehole was stretched beyond the normal males standards. And his mouth was servilely bruised and swollen to an almost unrecognisable extent. Police have also stated that witnesses have come forth; and have provided information to the culprit of this hideous crime.
Police will not give any information as to who the person it is. Although information has been leaked to media outlets leading the wanted man to be Warlord. Police are following in legal action.
Dude go check out your freind do some investigating your hunch may correct strangley freinds and family have a freaky sixth sense about these things
Was his mouth bruised because an extraordinarily large penis was unwillingly thrust repeatedly into it ?