Is it normal to be constantly hungry while dieting?
Is it normal to be hungry ALL.THE.TIME. when dieting? I've been trying to cut calories for nearly a year now and I've been feeling like I'm starving to death most of that time. I don't mean just like wanting to eat for emotional reasons or cause you have a craving for something (though I do get cravings too), I'm talking empty, rumbly stomach feels like it's trying to eat itself hunger. Ya know the "real" physical kind. I find it hard to think about anything but food and my mouth waters more than usual. Sometimes when this happens I feel twitchy and restless, other times I feelso weak and tired just sitting upright almost takes more energy than I have, I feel like a droopy wilted flower and ppl have to ask me to repeat myself frequently as I don't have enough strength to project my voice very far. I've read several opinions on calorie amounts for various individule needs, but according to all I get enough, considering I am trying to lose weight (which I do need to do, I'm 5'1", 155 pounds, my BMI is 29.3 so I am very nearly obese). But I am hungry all day, even when I eat it only barely takes the edge off. I have trouble falling asleep at night because I'm so hungry. Then about once a week or so I just can't take it anymore and I end up basically binge eating 2000-3000 calories in one sitting so I can actually feel full for once. Which in one way makes me feel really good, like finally coming up for air after holding your breath forever, but also it makes me feel really guilty and it's keeping me from losing weight I think. I have always had a really strong appetite but I do think part of the problem lately may be a side effect from Synthroid I've been on for a couple years for my thyroid and about 4 months ago they upped my dose again (they are still fiddling with trying to get it right) and I think my hunger got worse around then. I can't bear the thought of living like this forever, I think I'd rather be fat. That's the really sucky part, I'm not even losing weight even though I'm torturing myself to try to. I'm going off to college in a couple months and I'm afraid when I'm there surrounded by yummy food with an unlimited meal plan and no parents looking over my shoulders I'm going to completely lose control and get huge.