Is it normal to be embarrassed to be seen nude by parents

My parents are naturalist even have clothing optional signs posted at their house and pool, I grew up pretty open door and even had conversations with them while showering or on the toilet,but I just can't seem to strip down and join them. Not sure why?
I actually have little or no problem sexting or even sending sexual vids to people I meet online whether I know them or not. I even did a onlyfans at one point. So why am I shy or so different around my parents?

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Comments ( 16 )

    Somehow you didn't get into their lifestyle which is you right. I'm very open about nudity but wouldn't be nude in front of my kids.

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    • Questions, were your kids raised openly? You're open about being nude but do you send or post nudes on line?

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      • DADNSCAL

        No we were a modest household but my wife and I have been to nudist beaches and resorts. I don't post nudes of myself because I'd gross people out. I do have an extensive collection of nudes of both sexes tho.

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  • bbrown95

    I think it's normal. I'm not wild about the thought of being nude in front of my family, either. That's just not our thing!

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    • If your parents had a pool and we're nude in the pool, would you turn and go away, strip down and join, join but with a swimsuit on. Say ewe and run screaming never to join them in the pool again.

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      • bbrown95

        That wouldn't happen in my family, but I would turn down the offer to join them and just walk away! 🤣

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  • darefu

    I'm pretty open about nudity, children were raised pretty much without doors in the house. We didn't make a point out of being nude in front of each other but it wasn't hid either.

    The children are all kind of bashful around me. One, so much, that he locks doors in the house between him and his children as well as if he's staying overnight at our or a sibling's house and always the bathroom door. Yet he is very much in to porn, I don't know if he puts hisself or wife online, but he definitely likes his porn. One, daughter is exactly as you said pretty open, will openly talk and visit, send people online nudes, but hides herself and will make a point to avoid areas where I'm nude.

    Not sure why or how this happens. A lot did seem to do with peers and their opinions in their late teens years. I just figure they're missing the enjoyment of being free from the textile world and enjoying the pool ala natural. I don't know if I can put a name to it either, it's just parent syndrome.

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  • 1WeirdGuy

    I wouldnt want my parents to see me naked either after about the age of 12.

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    • Okay, I understand a person feeling that way. Do you sext or send people online nude pics or videos, people you don't really know just online friends.

      That's what I'm talking about a person who can send to almost strangers or post online with face, but are (afraid, embarrassed, lack self confidence), I don't know! What would you call it.

      Again I understand if your parents are very strict and conservative, or you are. However if your parents are naturalist, or you were raised pretty openly, and they go clothing optional. Then WHY do we feel ashamed to drop our clothes in front of them or even hide our eyes from them when they are nude. Are we afraid we or they are going to be turned on, because this feeling of not being nude with them normally kicks in mid to late teens. Is it peer pressure that others tell you it's wrong?

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  • Lusty-Argonian

    It's just not for you. I personally couldn't care to much when people see me naked though if my parents saw me like that it'd be a bit awkward

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  • Waynekerr420

    Maybe see if they'd be open to a threesome?

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  • Tinybird

    being naked has literally NOTHING to do with sex

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    • I agree, nudity has little or nothing to do with sex, but sex has a lot to do with nudity.

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    • Michael1991

      Agreed aswell

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    • ospry

      Have you done the sex while fully clothed?

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      • Tinybird

        never done the sex in the first place. And when I do sexual stuff yeah it's usually clothed cause I find it hotter clothed.

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