Is it normal to be embarrassed to show afection in public to ur bf

And I don't mean embarrassed as in like I get all shy and blushy like an anime girl. No. I mean... I get anxious, almost uncomfortable. Don't get me wrong; I love my boyfriend to death. He makes me really happy and tbh he's the only one who has ever treated me right in comparison to my exes.

I do not mind hand holding, hugs (as long as they don't get *to* friendly), and when the time is right, a peck on the cheek/lips is okay. But anything more than that, I'm too scared to show, at least in public. (I am super SUPER affectionate when I am alone with him) I feel like everyone is watching me and thinking low of me if I do more than what I listed.

I just feel like I'm a horrible girlfriend. Especially because I know he wants to be super affectionate in public. I saw how he was with his ex, they were all over each other! I also feel horrible since I'm so willing to be so lovey when we're alone but when I'm in public... :/ My boyfriend says that he understands and he KNOWS that I love him. He sees the subtle ways I show afection and he loves it. But I also feel like deep down he wihes I was better at showing affection in public.

But yeah, is this normal for couples? And is there a way to be less scared of being affectionate in public?

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50% Normal
Based on 6 votes (3 yes)
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Comments ( 7 )
  • 1WeirdGuy

    I wish everyone was like this. Most ppl dont want to watch couples all over eachother in public. Its kind of trashy especially if you're like tongue kissing or something.

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    • Tommythecaty

      Well that would only occur if you’re watching them in the first place 🤣

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    • LMFAO ngl this made me feel better it IS pretty cringe looking on the outside

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  • hauntedbysandwiches

    Normal because I have yet to see anyone kiss on the lips or make out with each other in public.

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  • AsterBean

    I don't see many adults doing this. There is a time and a place for passion. A public place is not one of them. Only teenagers really do that, but can be forgiven because they are young and still learning how to deal with all those hormones. Although it shouldn't cause you anxiety. It's okay to act your age on occasion.

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  • SkullsNRoses

    It’s normal to only want to show light affection in public, I would actually consider it a sign of maturity. I cringe when I see teenagers slobbering over each-other on public transport. Other people would much rather not witness you pawing at each other as you suck face, hence the phrases “get a room” and “save it for the bedroom”.

    Comparing yourself to your boyfriend’s ex is a waste of time and will never make you happy. He is with you now, focus on the present not the past.

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    • Yk this actually makes a lot of sense. I onl ever see people all over each other like that in high school. Outside of school I never see anyone else behave like that. And yeah I'm sorry I shouldn't have compared myself :( I just get inscure about some stupid stuff but that's a topic for another day

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