Is it normal to be falsely accused of violence and murder?

I met two girls at a party. They seemed like average college students, but one of the girls was weird, so I talked to her friend. The weird girl looked intensely jealous, but then wandered away. After she was gone, the normal girl said don't give her weird friend any attention because she has a history of inpatient psychiatric problems. I assured her I wouldn't. After, a pleasant 10 minute talk. I wished her well, and left the party without giving any contact information.

A few days later, I learned that a girl had been calling my friends saying, I raped her and beat her up. This girl with the psychiatric history also told one friend that she had information that I had murdered someone in the past named Jocko. Apparently, she went around the party getting information about who my friends were so she could get retribution for the slight she felt from my attention being diverted to her friend.

She has not called the cops. I would guess the thought of being cross-interrogated frightens her.

What should I do?

Nothing. Saying anything will make it worse. 1
Have a lawyer contact her about possible litigation, even though she is psychotic. 4
Develop a plan for secret retribution. 1
Find a way to make her paranoia work against her. 2
Other. 3
Accept it. She has the power to ruin your future, even tho you had no contact with her. 0
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Comments ( 18 )
  • Doesnormalmatter

    Get her ass back somehow.

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    • I'm going to do nothing and hope this blows over. If she is psychotic like her friend said, she will probably forget about it in a week or two. Then, in five years when she suspects nothing, I suppose I could strike with clandestine damages if I still feel that she has had some permanent affect on my life. I will need to find her first.

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      • Doesnormalmatter

        Good plan mate.

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  • You should kill her if you can get away with it.

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    • momwatcher69

      Steve2_7, are you really this stupid, or just want attention?

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      • Pretty rich coming from a guy who used to check out his mom.

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        • momwatcher69

          Yeah.... THAT'S an accurate comparison... Looking at my mom's tits, or murder.... hmmmmm

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  • momwatcher69

    You're welcome.... keep me posted !

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  • momwatcher69

    Another thought..... This 'weird' girl is calling your friends, with the "lost wallet" pretense, and spreading the rape/murder rumors, right?

    So, 2 or more, of your friends, will have her phone # in their cellphone's calls list. Get that #, ASAP, write it down, somewhere, and hold on to it. In case she doesn't stop this harassment, the police can use it, to locate, and arrest / charge her.

    Make sure the friends of your's, whom she's been calling, are willing witnesses, on your behalf. If so, maybe have them write down their memory of those conversations, while they (the calls) are fresh, in their memories.
    Two or more witnesses, are better than 1, which might be construed by police as "he said/she said". 2 or more, is considered corroborating testimony, and sufficient to pursue a warrant.

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    • Ok, thank you.

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  • momwatcher69

    I was hoping your reply would be what it is..... This is a complete fabrication, and you are guilty of nothing, except seeing her, at a party.

    GOOD !! Here's what you do: . . . . . . NOTHING !

    P.S. Are you (and they) students?

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    • Probably, I am not sure. I got my Bachelors degree two years ago, and return to campus occasionally for parties on the weekends.

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  • momwatcher69

    Well, that was going to be my next advice, but you beat me to it.

    If I was a cop, (or your attorney), I'd be asking:

    1). Are you innocent? I asked earlier, "If the accusations are completely false", AND "If you're guilty, turn yourself in to police"... You haven't addressed EITHER.

    2). You said: " I don't know where she lives ". So? You could've raped her behind a dumpster at McDonalds. Not knowing someone's address, doesn't mean you didn't commit a crime.

    3). You mentioned in your posting that this girl: "also told one friend that she had information that I had murdered someone in the past named Jocko" . . . . You never denied, or admitted, that you do/don't know who this 'Jocko' is.

    4). Even in your entire original posting, you NEVER denied these rumors, about you.... WHY NOT ?

    5). In your post you called this girl "weird" 3 times, creepy, and she has a "psychiatric history", which may/may not, be true. Appearances are important, and it "appears" that you are trying to impune her character, instead of profess your innocense.

    All I'm saying, is you need to deny this, first of all. I gave you (or any other poster) the benefit of the doubt, right off the bat.

    -Where did this alleged rape occur?
    -Even if it's false, where does the rumor say it happened?
    -How did this "weird" girl know how to 'call your friends' ?
    -Do your friends think this is a joke, or are they taking it seriously?
    -WHO is 'Jocko' ? (the murdered guy)

    Listen, if this never happened, and you believe that the allegations are beginning to harm your reputation, or future, then you might have a defamation of character / slander / libel lawsuit. The BEST scenario is to let this "go away" on it's own. Going to court, to file a "cease & desist" order, or restraining order, or anything further, is obviously a matter of PUBLIC court records. Even if you're innocent, taking this to court will get you more exposure, and may cause further harm, to your reputation.

    You said these 2 girls seemed like average college students . . . does that mean YOU are a college student? If so, you may have some options, on campus.
    Also, does ANYONE believe these rumors / allegations?
    What are your friends saying about this?

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    • 1) Yes I am innocent. I have no history of violence. I am an empathetic guy.

      2) I only know her first name, which is Susan. I mentioned this to explain the advantage she has in that nobody knows who she is or how to find her for legal action.

      3) murder is just as ludicrous in this case as rape. I am not a murderer or a rapist. I have never harmed anyone. I know of nobody named Jocko. I have never heard that name mentioned anywhere.

      4) ALL ALEGATIONS ARE FALSE. I said hi to her, and was in her proximity for less than 20 seconds.

      5) Her friend warned me about her psychiatric history after she walked away. I do not have contact information for the friend. So, I cannot find her to verify her claim.

      As stated in the post, the weird girl began getting information about my friends from other people at the party that knew me. My friends think these calls about me are some kind of joke. The disturbing thing is that she pretexts some of them with "lost wallet claims" to get contact information of friends of friends.

      Finally, her claims have no details. She avoids saying anything concrete that could disprove her claim.

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  • momwatcher69

    If the accusations are completely false... ignore this crap.

    It's like arguing with a's a waste of your time, and you'll get sucked into some additional bullshit drama.

    Stay as far from this person, as possible, or more may follow... Think about it: If you really DID beat, and rape her, why would she be calling your friends, instead of the cops?

    P.S. If you're guilty, turn yourself in to police.

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    • Except she is starting to ruin my future. You even considered the possibility that I raped her. I don't know where she lives. I know nothing about her except her first name, that she seemed creepy, and I avoided her.

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      • momwatcher69

        How... is she "starting to ruin your future"?

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        • Because simply being accused of rape or murder causes half the people to think you are guilty. Would you hire a rapist? Would you be friends with a murderer? I doubt it. Would you tell other people about it? Probably.

          What she is doing is called poison.

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