Is it normal to be falsely accused of violence and murder?
I met two girls at a party. They seemed like average college students, but one of the girls was weird, so I talked to her friend. The weird girl looked intensely jealous, but then wandered away. After she was gone, the normal girl said don't give her weird friend any attention because she has a history of inpatient psychiatric problems. I assured her I wouldn't. After, a pleasant 10 minute talk. I wished her well, and left the party without giving any contact information.
A few days later, I learned that a girl had been calling my friends saying, I raped her and beat her up. This girl with the psychiatric history also told one friend that she had information that I had murdered someone in the past named Jocko. Apparently, she went around the party getting information about who my friends were so she could get retribution for the slight she felt from my attention being diverted to her friend.
She has not called the cops. I would guess the thought of being cross-interrogated frightens her.
What should I do?
Nothing. Saying anything will make it worse. | 1 | |
Have a lawyer contact her about possible litigation, even though she is psychotic. | 4 | |
Develop a plan for secret retribution. | 1 | |
Find a way to make her paranoia work against her. | 2 | |
Other. | 3 | |
Accept it. She has the power to ruin your future, even tho you had no contact with her. | 0 |