Is it normal to be fed up with prejudice against alcoholic drug addicts?

Alcoholic drug addicts are the most discriminated-against class of people. Laws and basically the whole system is stacked against us. They make it hard to get jobs if you like to sip liquor all day. Drug laws basically target us, because public intoxication in a non-addicted person is likely the result of another crime. If you're just normally drunk and high all the time they basically make it a crime to even leave your house. Your employer can basically blame all your mistakes on you "probably being drunk and stoned" and it's just fine, can you imagine if they said it was because you were too black or gay or white or any other grouping of people?

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Based on 14 votes (5 yes)
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Comments ( 44 )
  • donteatstuffoffthesidewalk

    cause its a choice and yallre free to not git fucked up

    bein black or gay or white aint a choice

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    • So you're okay with the government basically criminalizing and making it illegal to be a drug addict?

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      • MrDexter

        One can't work safely as a drug addict. It's a safety issue. I know you don't give a damn about other people's safety and would prefer everyone operate heavy machinery high as a kite but some of us don't want to die.

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        • This is a pretty obscure situation here. You're talking about operating heavy machinery while super fucked up to justify why people can't just sip liquor and do key bumps throughout the day if they want to.

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          • MrDexter

            This is why many jobs drug test and why many drugs have been banned for recreational use. It has been proven to be a danger to others. Being drunk in public is also banned. You can't tell a company your a drug addict and want to do drugs while using a fork lift.

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            • Using a forklift is incredibly specific in terms of examples here. If somebody wants to, say, drink (not get wasted) all day why is that illegal? If it takes a drug test to show you that an employee is using recreational substance then clearly it isn't a problem functionally wise.

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      • donteatstuffoffthesidewalk

        it aint illegal to be a drug addict its illegal to procure posses and use said drugs but thats semantics


        its not like its a big surprise its been criminalized for over a century
        yall makes it sound like its somethin new

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        • As I said, such laws are specifically designed to criminalize people who use drugs on a consistent basis from leaving their house. Can't even go to the supermarket without having to worry about getting arrested for it.

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          • lonewolf1253

            Because your a danger to society. You can't drive safely when your all fucked up. Hell, you could cause an accident just stepping in front of traffic. It should be stigmatized. Get your shit together and quit that shit and join the human race. I mean, occasional partying is fine as long as your responsible. But to just be fucked up all day is nuts. What are you hiding from?

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            • This is exactly the problem. If I want to sip vodka all day I shouldn't be allowed to cross the street? You just assume people can't handle themselves with their own daily routine? Yeah, everyone should change themselves to be just like you, bigot.

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          • donteatstuffoffthesidewalk

            has yall considered that the laws are in place for a reason?

            not that id agree with all of em or the way theys enforced-for-a-tidy-profit but bein an opioid or meth or cocaine or pcp addict is absolutely awful for the body and causes peoples to do crazy and awful shit and those what supply said drugs to do even more awful shit

            its a steep cost for everyone to hafta pay for a few people who MAKE THE INITIAL CHOICE on theys own to git involved with that shit in the first place

            aside from legitimate chronic pain sufferers who got hooked on opiates by a crooked greedy medical establishment i gots no sympathy for any hard drug addicts problems that they made for thyselves and wants everyone else to bail em out of

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            • So you feel perfectly comfortable grouping a whole group of people together and basically saying they should all just hide under bridges out of your site and never leave their mattress? This is the kind of bigotry I'm talking about. It hurts nobody if you're drunk on the bus.

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  • Pink-pumpkin

    Either a troll or a very retarded sjw

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    • Just somebody who's tired of being treated like a POS by society because I prefer a cool buzz to repressed sobriety.

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  • RoseIsabella

    Meh... so what's the problem? Did you just get busted, or fired or something?

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  • CozmoWank

    Substance abuse has destroyed your cognitive abilities.

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    • And you can diagnose this based off an IIN post?

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      • CozmoWank

        If you had much in the way of reasoning, it's not so difficult to deduce.

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        • Feel free to hurl off slurs like that, somebody takes a couple shots with breakfast, clearly they can't be trusted to do or say anything correctly ever.

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          • lonewolf1253

            Ever tried Heroin? Get some laced with Fentanyl or better yet, Carfentanyl. It's the cornerstone of any nutritious breakfast!

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          • CozmoWank

            I''m not the one babbling about society's prejudice against addicts and alcoholics.

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            • You're an example of the prejudice. If your comment was something like "having all that gay sex has destroyed your brain" your posts would be deleted, yet here in this situation your hate speech is okay.

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  • wigz

    Yeah! And what's with the whole 'drug court' thing? Imagine if there was black court or gay court!

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    • donteatstuffoffthesidewalk

      in the opinion of this court i finds you to be...


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      • wigz

        *sashays off the witness stand*

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  • Dustyair

    It's disgusting! I got arrested just for driving at 138mph, I was doing just fine too, plus I never spilled a drop of my whiskey while I was driving. I legally passed everyone in the left lane, and waved at them just to be friendly. People need to lighten up and learn to have a little fun.

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    • wigz

      There's too many bad drivers out there. Last time I got on the highway, there was dozens of cars going the wrong way and they kept honking at me and giving me the finger. Unbelievable!

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    • donteatstuffoffthesidewalk



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      • e51pegasi

        Anything under 150 doesn't count.

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  • AlasAtlas

    I see where you're going with this sort of. A guy in my town years ago only got 5 years for breaking a woman's face all while she was holding her baby. Whereas a rec user gets the same amount and never hurt anyone. I think it should be decriminalized, to an extent. Imagine a weird utopia where all drugs were legal and distributed by the government, you'd have less overdoses because they would be clean and safer. Now that's just some fantasy, and I don't even do any drugs. But thats not the real world and our actions have consequences. If you're paranoid about it, leave it in the house in a storage container and don't let anyone know or see you do whatever you're doing. I grew up in a family of high esteem, everyone does drugs (this is probably why I don't because as a kid this bothered me) I bet your local senator has a stash of coke in his desk and I'm not even joking. The thing is they know how to act like normal people about it and hide it quite well. Or even show up to work on something and nobody would ever notice. It's odd because they all do it yet they want to put in harsher legislations???

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  • TNXK

    I was actually thinking about this earlier... it really sucks how so many people are tossed off to the side(or in a cage) and disregarded by the general public because they have an addiction. It is prejudice.
    Many people can be saved and they can contribute and make great changes...
    But once you’re stamped as a drug addict you’re like a parasite, and you’re left all alone. No one wants to help you; they just look down at you and call you weak. They say everything is your choice so you live with it. It’s very hard to stop doing the one thing that keeps making you happy; especially when you have 0 support and you’re alone.
    No one wants to help people who are addicted to drugs, there’s this unspoken rule to not even look at those people. Just let them die on the street before they rob you, right?
    Not everyone chooses to drink or do drugs; some people become addicted through prescriptions. Some people are extremely unhappy and need something to make them handle their thoughts, some people don’t even realise they are developing a problem before it’s too late! It's hard to understand how difficult battling a drug addiction is if you have never had one. It is HARD!! That’s why so many people get lost to it! They need help!
    People shouldn't be so quick to abandon someone who is suffering from drug addiction. When these people go out into the world looking for chemicals alone and unsupervised, that is when they commit crimes. These people won’t speak up for themselves (because who would listen to some sob story from a junkie?) and no one wants to be the person to say they want to help that “lazy” junkie, no one speaks up for these people so they barely get any help.
    Drug addiction is a huge problem and it is taking many people, sometimes you don’t see it coming. There needs to be more help provided for people who have this problem, TOO MANY PEOPLE ARE BEING LOST TO DRUGS. There should be clinics in certain areas that can provide supervision and shelter for people who are doing drugs on the street, and provide them with sanitized paraphernalia to help with containing diseases.
    Most likely you all know someone who is battling addiction, but because of the shame society puts on these people they keep it a secret. Drug addiction needs to be talked about more often, needs to be accepted and addressed. This day and age makes it very easy to provide all sorts of drugs to all sorts of people, especially kids. And the addicts that I have met who suffer the most and have lost nearly or almost everything are the ones who started at a young age 13-16. Just because someone is addicted to drugs doesn’t mean they had a choice or they have no worth , or they can’t be helped. Please be sensitive towards these people.

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    • You seem to get it. Worst of all, if someone manages to actually get their addiction managed on a functional, yet not comletely void of all substance, level, it becomes some kind of crime to manage your own life.

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  • Ellenna

    You do have a choice about addiction: not saying it's an easy choice to act on, but it's still a choice.

    Addicts (which obviously includes alcoholics) have their addiction as their total first overwhelming priority, to the exclusion of how they're affecting other people's lives and safety. Your choice .......

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    • *yawn* Sounds like regurgitated AA mantras. AA is a cult you realize, right?

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      • Ellenna

        I've had no experience with AA, only with AlAnon, which saved my sanity when I was involved with someone addicted to alcohol and other substances.

        From what I know of AA, I wouldn't call it a cult, but I do find the god stuff in 12 step groups offputting, but AlAnon was definitely worth attending for a year or so. I did notice many people who'd been attending meetings for years but that's their choice.

        Cults invariably have charistmatic exploitative leaders who suck members dry financially, emotionally and often spiritually and none of that applies to 12 step groups.

        As to addicts affecting the lives of others, you may dismiss that concept as an "AA mantra", but it's true. Addicts adversely affect their families, the community and the health and legal systems, or do you deny that?

        In both the usa and here in Australia (and probably many other countries too) there's an epidemic of extremely violent crimes committed by ice addicts, including an incident earlier this year where an ice addict drove his car into pedestrians in a city centre, killing some and injuring many others.

        Your response sounds to me like an addict's mantra.

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