Is it normal to be hypochondriac?

I believe I am hypochondriac. Thats because I google my symptoms everyday and several times a day the same symptoms and i'm aware of how my body feels all the time. My parents have told me I worry too much about my health and I need to calm down so I googled worrying about your health too much and then I took a test for hypochondria so I have that now and it makes me kinda worried

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Comments ( 6 )
  • LondonGoldman

    I was like that when I was younger and I did grow out of it. Now I frankly dont give a shit anymore. If its time to go I've had a good run.

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    • noid

      I worry about all the things I might have or could get more now that I’m older. OP needs more things to engage his/her attention though.

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  • bbrown95

    Honestly, Google is not your friend when it comes to researching symptoms, so that's the first thing you need to ditch. Google literally told me I was in liver failure when I tried to research why I get headaches after a single alcoholic drink. That was close to 5 years ago now and I'm sure I wouldn't still be here if that were accurate, lol. Google is known to often give worst case scenario types of results and is not often very accurate, especially if you're the easily worried type who might panic about the seriousness of your symptoms.

    Otherwise, I'm really not sure how to overcome being a hypochondriac, but ditching Google as a source to research your symptoms is a good starting point. I also wouldn't take any online tests too seriously, either. There is a lot of misinformation out there on the Internet.

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  • veritaserumbrewer

    I feel like now is the absolute worse time to be a hypochondriac. I’ve literally thought I had covid like 30 times now (never actually got it).

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  • litelander8

    My mom is a hypochondriac. I really don’t like her.

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  • Benzo time.

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