Is it normal to be interested in writing but hardly interested in reading?

I love to write. It's something I've always enjoyed doing and I never got tired of it. However, the weird thing is that I'm hardly interested in reading. Not saying that I can't read or enjoy it, but it's something I pretty comfortable with not doing. I don't really read books or collect them, I don't really read magazines or articles, at least in physical form. I usually just read while surfing the net and that's usually it. Is this normal?

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71% Normal
Based on 31 votes (22 yes)
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Comments ( 7 )
  • NoraBaker

    I strongly believe reading affects directly the quality of one's writing.

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  • dillin

    It depends. Humor writing relies much less on influence from other literature than normal fiction.

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  • samalander

    Sometimes I think that it's just easier to work on your thoughts than the thoughts of others words maybe you just like to be in control of thoughts or words. Uh.... Hope that makes some sense...probably not though... Sorry!

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  • Anime7

    Well I was like you not too long ago. I enjoy writing and making up stories. Although reading was never my friend, but I was motivated to be a better writer. I figured that the more I read the better of a writer I'll become. I think all you need is to pick up a good book and keep the momentum going. The book that got my momentum flowing was George Orwell's 1984, after that try reading Brave New World by Aldous Huxley. Both those novels are fantastic and make you possessed by Henry Bemis.

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    • Thanks. I really like your approach when giving advice. You're very proactive and sincere about it. Many users here on IIN are obnoxious, defensive, and shut people out. You however, keep an open mind.

      Wished there could be more users on this site like you.

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      • Anime7

        I appreciate that. And seriously the books that I mentioned are worth the read.

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        • Thanks, I'll look into it :)

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