Is it normal to be irritated with being texted all the time?

I ended up making freinds with some persona at the bus stop. Now they wont leave me alone and they are driving me nuts. They will do stuff like randomly call at 9 pm to say "I bought a chocolate bar" or "I found 6 dollars". Generally when they talk I just kind of listen to them ramble about nonsense. Whats worse is they thought it would be cool to date me and I finally got over my ex after a years of getting over it. I swore off dating since then. They now want to go on a double date, but I dont want to give them the impression I into dating them. I feel like I should be a better freind then this but I find this person really annoying and I trying not to be rude. They also text all the time. Am I just a dick?

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Comments ( 12 )
  • Cuntsiclestick

    You're not a dick. You need to have a serious talk with him or her: Tell them to stop texting you so much and that you don't want to date them. If they refuse to respect your wishes, then end the friendship.

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  • TerriAngel

    Block feature exists for a reason.

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  • native1queen

    There is a lost art in social situations now days, in past genrations people where more comfortable applying guidelines and personal boundaries for their friends and family.
    However, now days people have become so worried about coming across too mean or rude or not being PC enough. Look take a moment to yourself and sit down with a piece of paper and honestly write down things that annoy you. For instance, I hate when people call me after 9 PM. I ONLY accept calls and texts if it fits the following ; someone died, someone is dying, someone is in jail, OR someone is in danger. If it don't fit then it can wait. Also I don't allow people to show up on my doorstep and rearrange my plans just because they felt like dropping by. If I haven't seen them in a while I might make concessions but if they live in the area, I'll let them know, " look thank you for dropping by maybe we should meet up sometime this week but I'm busy have a nice day. "

    The point is, YOU'RE THE ONLY ONE TO BLAME for this situation. This person may be annoying to you and may take advantage, but you let him. Stop worrying about what others may think, or what is politically correct or nice. Set boundaries and stick to them. If your so called friend cannot accept your boundaries and respect your choice, then ask yourself this very important question. DO I REALLY WANT SOMEONE AS MY FRIEND WHO CAN'T RESPECT MY PERSONAL SPACE?
    So sit down and ask yourself questions about social situations and ANSWER HONESTLY and figure out what boundaries you want by first figuring out what annoys you and then let your friends know what they are. If they cannot respect your new boundaries, Remember the question.
    Good luck.

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  • misslonglegs

    I have my phone on silent now its got so bad over 150 texts a day from friends family and posts

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  • Ellenna

    Is this one "persona" hassling you are more than one? You keep saying "they".......????

    Whatever, stop responding and s/he will get tired of it: if you keep listening to this rubbish & answering it you're encouraging it.

    Just say no to the date suggestion: you don't have to give a reason, just No, I don't want to.

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    • Murun

      'They' is a fairly normal way to refer to someone in the singular without specifying gender. Maybe not strictly correct grammar but anyone who speaks English as a first language will understand it to mean one person based on context.

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      • I can use Ze which was made up for people whos are gender neutral but I doubt they will make anymore sense to most people. However the people on this site are stupid so they never get when someone is trying to leave out gender on purpose.

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        • Murun

          Never heard of Ze before.. Cheers for the gender-neutral pronoun education!
          I doubt I'll stsrt using it though.

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    • Persona is a typo sorry. PERSON

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  • here2help

    just get into a threesome with them, trust me, youll be glad you did. then when they act like you are in a relationship you can act surprised and confused. gets them everytime

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  • RoseIsabella

    I probably would prefer to refrain from making friends at bus stops or on the bus for that matter.

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    • How come?

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