Is it normal to be jumpy all the time.

I'm extremely jumpy all the time. Like I'll be hanging out with my friends and someone will start talking and I'll jump for no reason. Or I'll be sitting in class and the professor will change the PowerPoint slide and it'll startle me. It's been getting a lot worse over the last year. Everyone around me has noticed.

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Comments ( 4 )
  • Mychelle

    Hyperreflexia, there is a medical term for it.

    My was brought on by a spinal cord injury.

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  • palepunk

    You're probably just being hyper aware of it and at the same time expecting yourself to be jumpy.

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  • BonusRound

    I have anxiety disorder and I jump at every thing. Sometimes I'll yelp too. It's a chronic disorder

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  • EccentricWeird

    That reminds me of the time I met a couple of unfortunately-named detectives: Chief Tiger and Chief Theresamanbehindyou.

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