Is it normal to be kicked off other sites?

So I used to try to ask questions on other sites too... specifically one that begins with a Y and ends in oo... but half my questions get deleted not long after I post them. Are they censoring? Is this the only website where they actually let us ask the questions we really have and are legit? Thank you all!

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Comments ( 6 )
  • thegypsysalIor

    Unfortunately, this is necessary as there are a lot of immature people on the Internet

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  • Cuntsiclestick

    It's normal to get the short end of the stick on other sites. I've had pretty rotten luck on Yahoo Answers as well. I'm not sure if it's the same way now as it was back then, but on that site anyone could report something they don't agree with and it would be gone in less than an hour.
    Also, this is a fun site, but this place censors stuff as well. I've had posts of mine deleted in the past that weren't harmful while troll posts were allowed to stay. All websites have some sort of censoring. Some more stricter or unfair than others.

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    • 53739

      Yahoo Answers was a pretty cool place back in the day, there was a real sense of community. I don't know how it was in the other categories but I used to hang out at "Polls and Surveys" a lot and everyone kind of knew each other and respected each others' personalities. After a while it seems like the PC police took over and all fun was banned. It's a wasteland over there now. I could ask a question and be lucky if I ever got more than two answers.

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      • Cuntsiclestick

        So it's a ghost town now? Wow.
        I used to enjoy the Polls and Surveys category as well. It was the almost anything goes area. It was so much fun asking and answering stuff there. My other favorite section was the wrestling section. I used to be a huge WWE fan and it was fun discussing WWE related things. I kind of miss it, but it sounds like it wouldn't be worth retrying.

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      • LittleGirlPainfullySodomized

        That's most likely because then they didn't require your cell phone number but now they do.

        There are ways around it with out giving your actual cell number but it's somewhat time consuming and a pain in the ass.

        They totally sanitized that motherfucker.

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  • I have seen people post crazy shit on ya-h-oo. Like even 13-14 year olds asking sexual questions. How does that stay? bullshit IMO

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