Is it normal to be like this

Im 19 and I dont party as much as my friends. They think im crazy cuz im not having fun but to be honest I dont find anything fun there. They are listening to music that I personaly dont like and I dont like being surrounded by those people. I dont usually go to b day party when there is one but last night my best friend had a birthday so I came there. I have been there for five minutes talking to them and than I took my headphones and started watching videos on youtube and music. I have been there for 2 hours and I left.

Is it normal... by the way they were all laughing to me -.-.(sry for bad english.)

Voting Results
85% Normal
Based on 27 votes (23 yes)
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Comments ( 11 )
  • charli.m

    Real friends don't laugh at/ridicule their friend.

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    • Yukio

      I know but am I wrong for being like that?

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      • charli.m

        Why would it be wrong?

        What harm does it do you or anyone else?

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        • Yukio

          Thank you

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  • JD777

    You're normal in that you don't go for certain things. You just hang with a group of friends who aren't a good match for your interests. But staring at your phone for 2 hours is a bit odd. Next time, make an appearance, chat for 15-30 minutes, then make an exit.

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  • galen

    You're perfectly normal. I can enjoy being at a party or social event if it's longtime close friends, but if it's just a bunch of loose acquaintances or strangers I'd rather be sitting in the dentist chair.

    Then again I'm older, but back when I was your age I felt the same as I do now. Only difference is, now I can fake enjoying myself at a party if I have to, back then I hadn't learned how to fake it.

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  • sheven

    So what, you're not a party person. Not everyone is

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  • pixie44

    I just think you're a bit antisocial.
    Find better friends and maybe you'll actually like going out with them.

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  • thegypsysailor

    I think you need to pick up a dictionary and learn the meaning of the word friend, or 'best' friend.
    You obviously can't be bothered to spend an evening with your 'best' friend, doing something HE likes to do. Sounds like your friend is a lot less important to you than what ever else you did after you left his party.
    I sure wouldn't want you as a friend.

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    • Yukio

      Do you wanna say I should have been there where I dont feel comfortable just so I could call him a best friend.ok I know him for 14 years hwhe was my best friend all the time but I was never his best friend. To be honest I tryed to make a best friend but it gets stupid when you realise that he does not think the same thing about you.

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      • daydreamer394

        Don't listen to him, he's a prick.
        You are not in the wrong, you simply know how to have fun in a different way and that's fine. Conversely, I don't think they're being good friends by laughing at you.

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