Is it normal to be more attracted to humor & creativity?

So I've noticed throughout my life I haven't really developed a specific "type" that I'm exclusively attracted to. Sure, typically "hot" people like Chris Evans or Angelina Jolie I still find appealing, but I find myself inexplicably attracted more to people who aren't conventionally attractive, like certain comedians or artists who I've found to be exceptionally creative and charismatic through their work. Names like Bill Hicks or Jack Stauber or Bill Wurtz or even someone like Robin Williams come to mind. Funny, weird people who aren't considered 10s but seem to be in my mind.
This even translates into my real life. One of my first high school crushes was on a guy who was maybe like a 5 face wise but made me laugh so hard every day and would give me doodles or little paper crafts that he made in class.
Even my current girlfriend isn't typically attractive. I'm still very much physically attracted to her don't get me wrong, but more than anything she is so FUNNY and easy to be creative and joke with.
Is this a normal feeling? Tell me in the comments if you feel differently or not to this same level.

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100% Normal
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Comments ( 6 )
  • CountessDouche

    Yes ma'am. Everybody done gets ugly anyways. The awesome ones that make you laugh keep making you laugh forever.

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  • RoseIsabella

    If someone can't make me laugh then what's the point?

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  • Pyroha24

    Definitely normal. I like girls who look good, but it doesn't define my opinion on them. I value personality way more, and I find a certain personality type extremely attractive.

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  • SKDM007

    well you better be funny also

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  • Angelina Jolie, dam I want to kiss her thick lips

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  • RoseIsabella

    I enjoy a good sense of humor, and creativity, but if there's no physical attraction then it ain't gonna happen.

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