Is it normal to be obsessed with postman pat?

I posted this before, but for some reason it wasn't shown on the site.
I am a transgender man aged 42 and I am OBSESSED with Postman Pat.
I was born a girl and I had gender reassignment surgery so I could be like my hero, Pat.
I have a red Ford Escort van which used to have the Royal Mail livery but the BASTARD PIGS said I wasn't allowed it anymore.
I even have a black and white cat called Jess, who rides in the passenger seat with me.
I had a replica postman's uniform tailored exactly the same as Pat's and I wear it every day.
I even moved to Cumbria in Northern England, which Pat's hometown Greendale was based on.
The local children love it when I drive past and they all wave and cheer, but some of the older kids shout hurtful transphobic comments and throw stones at my van.
I don't know how anyone knows I'm transgender, as I haven't told anyone since I moved here.
Apart from that, I have a great time driving around the Cumbrian countryside in my red van with Jess and I don't care what anyone says.
Is it normal to live like this, and more importantly, does it matter?

Voting Results
39% Normal
Based on 28 votes (11 yes)
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Comments ( 7 )
  • sillygirl77

    I think the admiration of postman pat goes beyond what is normal (so not normal), but I also don't think it's harmful. If you enjoy it and it's not harming you or anyone else, why not?

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  • DuHast

    You sound like a really lucky mannn

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  • RoseIsabella

    I've never heard of Postman Pat.

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    • !ILOVEPAT!

      He's the coolest postman in the world! He always helps people and he's really clever and he drives a red van! He has a black and white cat called Jess and he lives in Greendale! You should watch him on YouTube!

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  • Murun

    I used to drive a red Renault 4 van in the '90s and random kids would occasionally shout 'Postman Pat!'.

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  • dirtybirdy

    This rings a bell..

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    I've been thinking of printing lots of pictures of Jess and I and delivering them to everyone in the village so I can be just like Pat. Do you guys think that would be a good idea?

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