Is it normal to be obsessive over an ex?

I broke up with my now ex boyfriend last year and ever since then things have been so weird for me regarding relationships and my feelings. The relationship wasn't very healthy and I was extremely depressed by the end of it. Dating this guy screwed up my relationship with basically all of my family and I lost the few friends that I had because of him. I was isolated from my friends and my family when I was dating this guy and I also got the feeling that he only wanted me for sex. Now that we're broken up I find myself thinking about him a lot like how he's doing or when he's doing. I think its weird that I care after everything I went through with him, I feel like I shouldn't care but I do. Is this normal?

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56% Normal
Based on 9 votes (5 yes)
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Comments ( 2 )
  • darefu

    Even if the feelings don't go away the effect will soften.

    Best I can say is realize or accept that your feelings for him were true, his for you were not and you can't change him or make that happen.

    One day you may be able to say I really did love him and maybe still do a little but there was no way it was going to work without me becoming something I'm not or becoming a person that didn't like myself.

    It will get easier!

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  • 1WeirdGuy

    Its normal it should go away in time

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