Is it normal to be on the computer so often that it majorly affects your life?

I've been addicted to the computer for about 9 years now. I spend so much time on the internet doing useless stuff that it swallows up everything else: socializing in person, going out, getting important things done, and discovering my true interests. In addition it's majorly fucked up my sleeping habits to the point where I can't get a full night's sleep anymore even when I try. This lack of sleep has in turn affected basically everything else including my anxiety issues. Many days I'd like to change, but then I get on the computer again...

Voting Results
39% Normal
Based on 44 votes (17 yes)
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Comments ( 9 )
  • Blue_Velvet

    This is not normal, you will lose your friends and gain weight. Not sure if you work or not though.

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  • dappled

    Do you think that perhaps using the computer so much is symptomatic of your anxiety and that it's become a vicious circle?

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  • NeuroNeptunian

    A lot of people have that problem.

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  • zchristian

    Im kind of addicted then again this is the thing i want to do the most and i do agree with the sleeping habits...

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  • Terence_the_viking

    Fat ginger dude alert hahah.

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  • Darthion5

    Computers are my life! It's where you can spend hours looking up research for fun or look up a fictional cartoon or videogame character and find suggestible pictures of these characters in a more datable form. Try finding a cartoon character in real life! Where is she? Ha! You can't find her. Thank you internet for making my fantasies real and making me the happiest person alive! Why continue to waste your time trying to find someone special in real life when they're either going to dump you, cheat on you, or reject you (this applies to all of you, including me). Hot robots that can be with you always and defend you with a variety of weapons and attack/defense moves and virtual reality and metal that can change softness/hardness and superhydrophobic sprays and virtual reality are the future. We are constantly moving towards a virtual/cybernetic/mechanical world. Just work in that hour of excercise daily and eat healthy enough and you're all good.

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  • ParisViaRome

    It's called an addiction. But if you channel it in healthy way ie. make money via computers/websites then it's not so bad. If you are unhappy with always being on the computer than try to fix it---go outside, join a club, date someone.

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  • Mark3L

    Go see a shrink!!!

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  • Cuntsiclestick

    Not normal. I know someone like that. He wound up with severe Carpal Tunnel. Hes still on a computer making his CP worse by letting his thumb muscles deteriorate. He can't even pick up his own kid without being in pain. Disconnect your Internet for a while and try to go out and enjoy yourself. Try to get family members to help you out.

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