Is it normal to be paranoid about appendicitis?

I have several relatives in my extended family who have had their appendix burst and had to have surgery. I'm naturally a pretty squeamish person, but I can mostly
handle it, and try not to be a wet blanket in front of others. Although sometimes when my friends joke about Appendicitis in particular I get really grossed out and have to calm myself down. It's just the concept of it, something in my body "bursting," I find immensely disturbing. I'm afraid I may not know it's going to happen and not make it to the hospital in time. I have tried to do research on the subject but the in depth descriptions also make me uncomfortable so I have resorted to just asking my relatives about what it was like myself.
I'm sure I'll be fine and live a healthy life, I eat well, exercise and sleep well. It's just that thoughts about diseases I seemingly can't control scare me.

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Comments ( 13 )
  • brutus

    You have hypochondria, stay away from Doctor Google.

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    • Dr googled f,ed me. Some years back I had ptsd (still do, in ways)... Had ptsd flash backs and panic attacks so bad I turned agoraphobic (diagnosed) when this happened I went to google, google amplified my agoraphobia a million fold. Every little thing you search goole says YOU ARE GOING TO DIE.. lol, fucking google

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    • Hellnobrother

      Please do not insinuate that intrusive thoughts or anxiety are "made up". Most people with fears like these have OCD, anxiety, or severe phobias.

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      • brutus

        So? Just take antidepressants plus benzos if you have phobias, OCD or anxiety.

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  • SwickDinging

    Appendicitis is very serious so it's fine for it to be on your radar, but it sounds like you're worrying to the extreme. Perhaps you've developed an unhealthy fixation on it because you've known so many people to have it. I'm not sure what the best thing to do about it is. You could always speak to your GP but it may be better to try and remove this fixation yourself through distraction, meditation, exercise, change of scenery... Whatever feels like it helps.

    Not to worry you but just so you are aware for your own health - appendicitis will not be avoided by proper diet and exercise. It's just a freak thing that happens. I'm not trying to worry you more, I would just hate for you to have all the signs and not do anything about it in time on account of your healthy lifestyle

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  • Doesnormalmatter

    Who jokes about appendicitis? All my friends on coworkers joke about is sex!

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    • SwickDinging

      I was thinking that. I haven't heard any appendicitis jokes. Perhaps I'm missing out?

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      • Doesnormalmatter

        I don't think so, there to complicated to be funny. Sex jokes will always be the best jokes. In my opinion of course!

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        • brutus

          Any joke can be funny with the right delivery. Except Abortion jokes, because there is no delivery.

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          • Doesnormalmatter

            Lol got me. Abortion jokes have to much offensive potential sometimes tho don't they?

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  • Hellnobrother

    I have issues with my digestive tract and I get intrusive thoughts about this a lot. It may be related to OCD or anxiety.

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  • Ellenna

    PS: Depending on how much you actually stress out and worry about this, I'd be more concerned about the long term effects of anxiety, eg heart problems

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  • Ellenna

    This is either a phobia or bordering on one. Phobias don't respond to logic and reason, only to therapy, but I'll try anyway: given that it seems your relatives survived appendicitis why do you think you wouldn't?

    What do they say when you ask them for details? I'll bet it's severe stomach pain which took them to a doctor or hospital for treatment, appendicitis was diagnosed and the appendix removed. Big deal. I'm sure your research has informed you that peritonitis from a burst appendix is quite rare these days and only occurs when the pain is ignored or not treated?

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