Is it normal to be paranoid that guys who like me will become obsessive?
Okay, so I am basically nice to everyone. Sometimes guy friends get the wrong impression, even though I treat them like I do everyone. I have a BF, and it is NEVER my intention to flirt with ANYONE. As soon as I start to feel like maybe they are getting the wrong impression, I start to become more distant and less friendly, and if that doesn't change the way that they talk to me, I make it clear that I am not interested and ignore them completely. This is because I am scared they may become angry at me to the point of wanting to take revenge and finding where I live and vandalizing my family house or something like that. I don't do this to be mean, or because I think very highly of myself, but because I am scared they will try to ruin my life, by sabotage. I just get nervous and scared if they are persistent and block them on every networking site and phone. PS I did have a traumatic thing happen when I was like 13. I met a older guy online and sent him revealing pictures, after I told him I don't wanna do this anymore he got really crazy angry and threatened to send them to all my myspace friends and tell my parents. I told the police and almost got in trouble myself for the incident. But he did have serious mental problems.. Anyways, is it normal to feel scared by rejected suitors?