Is it normal to be pro-gay marriage and pro legal pot, yet conservative?
I Am pro-Gay Marriage, am for the Legalization of Marijuana, and I feel that Prostitution should be legal as well. Other than that, I tend to hold Strong Conservative Beliefs.
For example, I oppose Amnesty for Illegal Immigrants, and strongly favor a secure border. I also am vehemently Anti-Abortion, (except for rape and where the health of the mother is in jeopardy) yet advocate contraceptive methods like condoms and morning after pills. I am for tax cuts, and deregulation in general, with the exception of government intervention to prevent a monopoly of an industry. I also am against single payer health care and for limiting welfare and other such programs. Programs as such should be handled by the state, as well as the private sector, not the federal government.
I support Prayer (for all religions) in schools, yet it should not be mandatory. I am also against Government promoting the "green Agenda" with regulation that chokes existing industry, and feel that Alternative Energy should be privately funded.
is it normal to be a Pro-Gay marriage, Pro Legal Pot, Pro Legal Prostitution Conservative Republican?