Is it normal to be really good at lying? (irl, not online)

I came up with an extremely elaborate scheme that so far is working out beautifully. One person who was suspicious tried to catch me in the lie. But I had all the answers lined up, anticipating this person might be suspicious, and they finally gave me what I wanted. A couple other people might have been slightly suspicious but seemed to be going along with it. The suspicion was all related to the fact that they knew what I wanted, but I was telling them something else.

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Comments ( 9 )
  • 1WeirdGuy

    It makes me mad when people say I am lying when I'm not. Idk why but it hurts my ego lol. No one believes that I found a big sack of crack in a walmart parking lot.

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    • Cuntsiclestick

      I believe it. It's friggin Walmart. The dumbest things can happen there. I can write a complete list of all the dumb shit I've seen there over the years. XD

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      • 1WeirdGuy

        Went through walmart about a month ago and there was literally a dead girl just laying in the aisle and everyone just acted casual. I asked a worker whats going on and she was just like "the police are aware..."😳

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        • Cuntsiclestick

          Wow. Thats messed up that no one tried to help.

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          • 1WeirdGuy

            Dude it was super fuckin weird how everyone was acting normal. One lady was looking at shirt sizes right next to her!! It was so fuckin random

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        • idolomantis

          Wait, seriously? She was literally dead? I believe it, but wow

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          • 1WeirdGuy

            I think so yeah. She was laying limp and had a little blood on her shirt. I have no idea what happened to her. Eventually 4 or 5 cops were there and were standing around her. I didnt wanna be too nosey so i didnt ask cops. And when i was walking out I saw paramedics coming in with a stretcher and they were all moving slow like no rush. Made me think she was probably already dead. Ill ask them next time I go to walmart what happened.

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    • idolomantis

      I believe you, I found a sack of crack in a Subway once

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      • 1WeirdGuy

        There was another one this black dude said ome time "You're lying" at work and I cant remember what it was about. Just remember it pissed me off because I wasnt lying about it.

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