Is it normal to be scared of images and videos of underwater scenes?

Okay so it's been this way for a few years, but whenever I see pictures or video clips of underwater scenes I start to panic and get really scared. It started when I was playing a video game and there was an underwater part where you look out onto a large blank area of the sea, completely submerged and you couldn't see the surface. Anything where it's just a large area of underwater, either still or moving and I start freaking out and have to close my eyes or move away from it. But the weird thing is I'm fine with being around actual water, like pools or ponds, even the sea itself and I can be in the water without panicking, it's just images and stuff that freak me out. Anyone else experienced this?

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Comments ( 16 )
  • NathanScott

    Ur lucky OP.I have a genuine anxiety of the deep blue sea.I can wade in any large water body but soon as i'm neck deep i take few steps back.
    Could be largely because i've never learnt how to swim though.

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  • R19

    I have the exact same phobia, and those pictures freaked me out!

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  • kingofcarrotflowers

    Yes a lot of underwater photos make me feel really really uneasy

    These creep me out, don't look at them though if it really affects you

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    • dirtybirdy

      I find them eerily beautiful, evoking a somber tranquility. Such juxtaposition.

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      • kingofcarrotflowers

        Personally they just creep me the hell out but I know what you mean, I find certain things fill me with a conflicting sense of slightly unsettling serenity, some urban exploration photos for example, iswear, one day I'll get to do it myself

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        • dirtybirdy

          I love that kind of stuff too. I need to get my old camera back in action and find some places like that. Well not quite like that, not where I live :(

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          • kingofcarrotflowers

            Well you'll just have to wreck shit up and make some


            But, if you want i can send you a link of some urban exploration hotspots and forums for it around your neck of the woods, there are more around than you think :)

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            • dirtybirdy

              I can wreck shit up good. :)

              Yay! That would be swell! Thanks!!!

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      • Redcoats

        I love diving and being under water, to me it gives me a sense of tranquility (:

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        • Rarna

          I have no problem being in water, I love swimming etc it's seeing the images that scares me, which makes me think it's not Thalassophobia or Aquaphobia.

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      • green_boogers

        I liked it so much that I got scuba certification.

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    • Shackleford96

      Wow, those are incredible!

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    • kingofcarrotflowers

      I actually got a bit panicky when I was diving in GTA 5, just felt a creeping sense of fear, it was weird

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      • kingofcarrotflowers

        Sorry op just saw the email with your reply,

        I deleted it and re wrote it before I saw your comment, I hadn't read the question properly so i automatically jumped to thalassophobia

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        • Rarna

          That's okay, most assume it's Aquaphobia the minute I mention water so it's understandable :)

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      • Rarna

        I know exactly what you mean! I had to get someone else to do the submarine missions for me, I just couldn't stand it

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