Is it normal to be scared of people
anytime anyone comes near me I get freaked out and start screaming and crying. iin?
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anytime anyone comes near me I get freaked out and start screaming and crying. iin?
i highly doubt this is real, but in case it is, no, it is not normal, meaning common. try to work on your social skills, either through self-experience or therapy.
Sometimes, when strangers approach me, I eternally tend to panic. However, I do my utmost not to let my emotions come out. They either have asked me questions or just wanted to say something to me. It's not big of a deal, though I can be daunting. Why do you think that you are so frightened of strangers? Did something happen in your past regarding strangers? You need to figure out ever it was that cause your fear in the first place, before you try to cure your fear.
OP didn't say h/she is afraid of strangers, h/she said "people" - that means everyone, no?
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Also Ellenna, you had replies to my comments that I never replied to. I'm sorry about that. I'm not avoiding your replies due to lack of information or proof. I've lost them in my notice box and I'm trying to remember the names of the two posts in question. If I can't find those posts, I'll post elsewhere.